"My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory"
Philippians 4:19
While out having a lunch I decided I would take my lunch out of doors, the weather was perfect so off too my favorite place I went as I made my way to the front of the line.
After making my selection off to find a table out on the patio I went, as I settled back in my chair a couple of birds landed at my feet I suppose they wanted lunch as well. I pulled off a piece of the crust from my sandwich and they ate in peace for a little while anyway.
Smiling down at the shear enjoyment of my little lunch dates I took pleasure in watching them enjoy their lunch. After awhile a few more dinning companions came along joining in our now growing lunch party once again I took some of my bread and tossed it.
A bit further this time as these lunch guests were not as brave as my earlier companions; it was then that I witnessed one of the simplest acts of kindness one that I would never have thought that I would be so blessed too witness come from "God's littlest creatures a bird.
This one bird that I thought had a injury or perhaps was not well, while this bird sat on the ground the other bird took a piece of the bread I had tossed it's way and fed it too the other bird it did this a couple of more times till I am sure the other bird had it's fill.
A simple act of kindness this little bird showed more compassion for it's feathered friend that I wish I could say I have seen come from us humans. I had too and still wonder why is it that "God's creatures can show such compassion for one another and we choose not to.
Recently here in the California area a dog was fatally injured but his companion would not leave his side till help came simple acts of kindness we humans can learn from these kind heart-ted animals.
"Thou shalt cry and he shall say Here I am." Isaiah 58:9b
My feathered friends flew off after our lunch date, the little bird that I thought was injured or ill flew off too. I am not sure why the other bird felt the need to feed it, but I am glad it did while it fed this bird a piece of bread it also fed my soul with it's simple act of kindness.
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Writer: Victoria E.Miera
Photo courtesy: Photo Bucket.com