Every rose has a story to tell. By looking at it one would say awe how pretty or gee it sure smells good. Some folks will walk by with out a second glance.
But every rose is unique, no two are alike. They come in different sizes shapes and colors.
Though they are unique in their own way, they have a common bond. They need water; soil and sun to help them grow.
We are no different than the rose that we admire. We too come in many forms; and we each come with a story.
We are unique in our own way, and like the rose some will be over looked; while others will be admired. Like the rose we too need to be nurtured in order to grow.
We so often focus on our bodies, or at least some folks do; and this gal is not one of them! Don't get me wrong, I'm good with all you die hard gym goers.My focus is on the spirit. I enjoy working it out with the I wonders."
What don't tell me you don't know what that is! The wonders is simply a person who wonders how this or that works, the I wonder whys' in life. The lessons learned are many and there are times when the wonders lead one down another path in order to get the answer. Awe a great work out for the soul.
There are times when the wonders only leave a soul wanting more, looking for answers that may not be answered here on this earth, but still the wonders will take a soul on a journey.
While out and about, I enjoy the beauty of this earth from the sky to the grass, that's what wonder's do (teee -heeeeee) or perhaps that's what kids do! Either way it's always a good work out to wonder why life works the way it does.
Every soul is like a rose, each one unique each one has many petals. I often compare the soul to a rose, with many petals waiting to tell its story. .If you take the time to pull back a petal within your soul it will expose all the beauty it posses.
Next time you venture out, stop along the way to admire a rose. Enjoy its fragrance; as you compare it to your own inner beauty. We are all unique in our own way. We need to feed both our bodies as well as our souls.
Learn to pull back a petal of your own soul, let it's beauty shine through. Ask plenty of questions take a trip through the wonder's see where it leads you.
You may be pleasantly surprised as to how much you just might learn about yourself.
"I am but a rose in your hand's. I am a work in progress, "God and I are working on me. When I am done I will be a work of art, a master piece. Until then! On "God's work bench is where I shall remain.............
Author: Victoria E. Miera
All: Rights Reserved
Photo: From my own personal album!
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