Monday, September 10, 2012

Drops of Water

Beads of water on a plant photo courtesy of Victoria E. Miera 

Recently I heard a sermon and it had me thinking, that's always a good sign and a testimony to the preacher that  his words have had an impact on someone, and yes there are a few souls sitting in the congregation listening to the words that you have spent hours in preparing  for your Sunday's service. Now what had my attention was the word authorization a simple word used in a phrase it was this particular word that had me thinking, how many of us give our authorization to the adversary to wreck our plans!

I know we don't intentionally give it to him we do it with out even thinking that's how sly he is!Every time we accept defeat we authorize the adversary to continue on his course of destruction never thought about it that way did you well neither did I what an eye opener. There will be times that we won't get things that we want like that job we applied for or that promotion at work but does that mean we stop applying? No we still need to do our part but what do I mean about giving permission to the adversary to wreck our plans? Simple each time we just sit back and accept things as they are we give our  authorization.

We are simply saying ok we will accept things as they are wrong that's the time we need to draw closer to the "Lord and ask him what the next step is going to be. Accepting defeat is not an option when we sit back with this oh well it is what it is attitude we are giving up. Take back your consent keep the fight going don't give power to the one who should be powerless in this case the adversary!When we dig deep with in ourselves and find that spark that sets  us on fire to fight for what we want we get motivated enough to go after them.

Yet how many times have we sat back with this I guess it wasn't meant to be attitude? Far to often I find myself doing just that but what if it wasn't a case of it wasn't meant to be? How would I know this if I don't ask the one person who has all the answers I wouldn't because I have accepted defeat and just handed over my authorization to the adversary with out thinking twice about it! Now that this has me in the thinking mode I need to be like the plant in my photo instead of letting the drops roll off I need to put them to good use we need to take those drops that have been given to us and use them to fuel the fire with in us by asking the "Lord is this part of his plan?

When we don't  and ask and we just accept it at face value we maybe loosing out on a golden opportunity, how may times in life do we ever take anything at face value? Then why do we when we loose out on that promotion as we just settle back into our routine that's the time we should be asking "God is this part of his plan is there something better in store for us in the near future. Instead we sit back and accept it with hurt feelings or an attitude. It's just my opinion that I simply think that by accepting defeat in this manner is giving up and when we give up on trying we are giving our permission away what a powerful tool that is in turn used against us!

Accepting things as they are is not part of "Gods plan for his children again my opinion I do believe that "God wants his children to move forward and not stay in one place but to grow in every area in their lives. Take the drops of water we have been given and start using them to help you grow instead of letting them roll off and fall where they may get that I can attitude and ask "God is this part of his plan don't just settle when "God himself want's the best for you is child.

When we don't change the things in life that have us upset or angry in life we are accepting life as it is and that my friend is not how "God want's his children to be living out their lives if you are in a negative frame of mind then you are not in a good place to grow!

All Rights Reserved: Give Popper Credit if used.
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo from Victoria E. Miera personal album.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Deep Roots

Have you ever felt like an old worn out tree those around you can't see your deep roots

They don't know of the many roads you have traveled they only see you aging with time

Like a tree you have weathered many storms yet all they can see is the lines on your face and the gray in your hair

You gave of your youth when you planted deep roots
 Like an old tree who's leaves fall where they may

Your steps unsteady your hand loose their grip
What they don't see is the strength in your heart

 Like the bark on a tree weathered and worn
Strong winds have come and tried tearing you down

Your roots were planted deep in the ground
Your hands have held many wiped a few tears

Over the years they washed a dish or two
Played a game and tied a shoe

Now a tell tail sign as age weakens their grip
Your mind is not as sharp but still you can recall
The name of your first grade teacher

Have you ever felt like an old worn out tree
Those around you can't see your deep roots

What they see is you aging with time
Like an old tree weathered and worn

All they can see is the gray in your hair
The lines on your face

What they don't see is the moss covering your roots
Guides them home when they are lost

They don't see the birds still gather nestled in your branches
They don't see that with every season you get better with time

The lines on your face are a tell tail sign of the days gone by
Though your hands have lost their grip they still hold a heart
They wipe a few tears and tie a shoe or two

Your roots run deep they are planted firm in the ground
Strong winds may come but they won't knock you down

You may be weathered and worn like the bark on a tree
Family and friends still gather underneath your branches
The comfort you give and words of wisdom

The memories you share the stories you tell

Gives them peace on a cold winters day....................

All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Do Not Copy With Out Giving Proper Credit
Photo Courtesy of Victoria E. Miera personal album.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What do you see

What do you see when you look to the sky
 I see a blue sky looking back at me

What do you see when you look to the sky
 I see the moon staring  back at me

What do you see when you look to the sky
 I see trees of green in a sea of blue

What do you see when you look at the sky
 I see the man in the moon not wanting to sleep

What do you see in a sky of blue
 I see the moon playing with me

What do you see when you look at this view
 I see a fence embracing a tree

What do you see when you look at this view
 I  a sea of green in front of me

What do you see when you look at this view
I see a lamp post standing alone

What do you see when you look at this view
A quiet street beckoning me

What do you see when you look to the sky
I see a blue sky looking back at me

What do you see when you look to the sky
I see the moon staring back at me

What do you see when you look to the sky
I see trees of green in a sea of blue

What do you see when you look to the sky
I see the man in the moon not wanting to sleep

All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo from Personal Album
Do not copy with out proper credit

Monday, September 3, 2012

Not Perfect

My life is far from perfect my storms are many my burdens heavy! My faith is strong my path un-even fear is not in my daily walk Hope sees me through. "God holds me up I endure because "God  alone holds my hand and I know in his palms I am safely centered! Yes I do have a tough time as we all do I choose to focus on the blessings each trial brings me knowing that "God is with me.

Storms make me strong not weak I know who I am I know my worth "God loves me and if he loves me why would I think he wouldn't be here for me in my hour of need! I have climbed many mountains I have fallen more times that I care to count each time I have landed "God has picked me up and carried me when I thought I couldn't take another step.

My life is not perfect but my "God is and that is what keeps me going I have cried many tears my cheeks wear their stain "God wipes them away. I have often wondered why I continue on the answer is simple "God promised me it would be worth it in the end if I only hold on. I do my best to be the child that he wants me to be I often fail that doesn't stop me from taking another step forward I don't look back to often it only makes me sad.

My heart has been broken more times than I care to say I have put my trust in the wrong soul's and now I trust no one I know this sounds a little bitter it's not meant to be I have learned many lessons some I wouldn't wish on any one. My life is far from perfect but my "God is and that's what keeps me moving forward I don't live in a fancy house but the one my father has for me is grander than the ones here on earth.

I may not drive a fancy car nor wear the latest styles I don't lay on fancy sheets nor dress to impress I am a humble child who one day will wear the finest when "God calls me home. My shoes are worn from the many miles that they have traveled when I lay down at night I do so with a grateful heart because I know I have made it  through another day.

I love to see a sunrise it helps set my day I know the master is busy but he stops his busy task and shows me how much he loves me! No my life is far from perfect I have cried so many tears "God could make another Ocean.

There have been many nights he has held me in his arms till dawn came to call he never lets me down I know he loves me and that's what keeps me strong. My storms have been many I often wonder why I am here "God gives me the answer in his time not mine. I do get frustrated I can't begin to tell you how many times I have pitched a fit to only be told hush now "Be Still And Know That I Am"

I am often misunderstood at times I have wondered if I was speaking another language by the looks that I have received. I enjoy a sunset I can breath a little easier I know that I have made it through another day. My life is far from perfect but my "God is and that's what keeps me moving forward his promise of it will be worth it in the end if I only hold on.

I don't allow fear into my daily walk my faith is strong I hope for better days I don't ask for much I only want what's mine and now you see another petal of this Rose I am "God's spirit daughter he calls me his own. I count my many blessings those I see and the ones I can't I know they are there in every trial they make me strong not weak one day I will have my rest when "God my Father calls me home.

Until then I shall continue on this journey in my imperfect life knowing my perfect "God is holding my hand and taking a daily walk with me. I will enjoy every sunrise and sunset in all their splendor and when my Father stops his work just to show me how much he loves me you know I will be wearing a big ole smile and my heart will be filled as joy spills over.

"God didn't say it would be easy only worth it in the end I endure many trials some have asked why I persevere? It's simple really I have eternity to live in a perfect world with a perfect Father in a mansion on a hill!

Writer: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved!
Do Not Copy With Out Giving Proper Credit.
Photo: From Personal Album do not borrow with out asking.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hello Love

Hello Love I have been waiting for you for a very long time I don't know why I haven't let you in before what's that?

 "Afraid" yes you are right I have been afraid why you ask? Love I know you are a wonderful feeling.

But the truth is I was afraid to allow myself to be hurt if you and I didn't work out! I would have to open up my heart  to allow you in, Love I was afraid of exposing my heart of being vulnerable.

But I see I had nothing to fear I am so glad that you and I met when we did, no I have no regrets Love I knew you would stay for as long as you could, you and I were not meant to be apart I enjoyed your company the way you made me feel.

The silly grin you plastered on my face, oh no Love you have nothing to apologies for I am glad that you showed me what I was missing. Next time you come back this way I will be waiting with open arms to embrace you and Love I won't be afraid of letting you in.

I know it didn't work out this time around for us; but you see Love you were only meant to stop by to show me what Love was all about to show me what I was missing by closing off my heart. No I have no regrets Love you showed me that I have to open up my heart to let you settle in I will miss you I can't deny that. I do feel a little sad knowing that you had to take your leave.

Love I will only have fond memories to cherish till you return and when you do I will be ready to let you in till then I bid you a warm fare well and please Love don't stay away, I  know that I do need you and you and I were never meant to be apart, I won't say good bye to you  Love; only hello Love looking forward to your return.

All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo Courtesy of
Give Proper Credit