Sunday, January 14, 2018

To Dream The Impossible

To dream the impossible dream is to go outside of your comfort zone!

To achieve your greatness you must first overcome your fear of failure.

Words of wisdom handed out like candy, by so many great men and women who dared to dream.

Walt Disney said it best "It's kind of fun to do the impossible"

It's easier to come up with a thousand reasons why we can't follow a dream and harder to come up with one good reason why!

Fear of failure is one of the biggest obstacles we place in our own way.

We don't stop to ask the question of what if I succeed?  Well what if you do succeed?

Would that be a bad thing? I'm guessing it wouldn't be,we focus more on the failing than the success.

Having a dream is a wish the heart makes, in order to make it happen you must first take that step.

Another wonderful quote by Mr. Disney himself.

Who knew that a man who made his living off of a mouse and being a kid at heart would be so insightful on the way's of the world and have sound advice for those who are brave enough to dream..

Yet here I am typing away dreaming and trying my hand at getting out of my own way by following my dream.

Yes Mr. Mouse you have inspired me to reach for the moon and take a magic carpet ride down the milky way on a bed of stars,

And  perhaps a bit of pixie dust is just the magic I will need to make my dreams a reality.

There is no guarantee that I will overcome the reasons why I should play it safe  after all its been my go to for so long. Awe a bad habit one that I will need to break yes with my mousy quotes and a dream in my heart I shall do my best to get out of my own way.

Fear is not a pretty thing, it takes away from the possibilities by making it a impossibility.

One that is not in the scriptures.

In  many of t he quotes that "God" has placed in our hearts is to  trust. Many times over "He has asked us to trust Him' to lean on "His understanding and not that of our own.

And yet we constantly second guess "His wisdom! As if we know better!  If that were the case we wouldn't be in such a pickle nor standing at cross roads wondering which way to go?

Just an observation on human nature.

I never really paid much mind to Mr. Mouse himself, the biggest kid on the planet, that is until recently. Mr Disney was definitely an insightful man.

He has given me food for thought along with a generous helping of wonderful quotes to fall back on.

As I stand at the doorway of my cross roads, I'll take the advice of my "Lord and lean on his understanding and not that of my own!

Trusting is not as easy as it sounds it has never been my strong suit.

And truth be told I have all but mastered the art of second guessing myself.

I am a work in progress I come with many broken pieces, and each one of them has a story to tell.

My scares you cannot see, they are beautiful and are held together with golden thread.

I am not a perfect soul nor do I pretend to be, I have many faults and many good qualities. Who  I am is a reflection of who I once was.

I am a work in progress a work that my "Lord has been mending and stitching together for some time. In his capable hands and on "His work bench I will be until "He is done working on me until that day comes when my "Lord" say's child your are complete!!

As  Mr. Mouse himself has said "What ever you do, Do it well "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them"

Author: Victoria E. Miera

All Copyrights Belong to Victoria E. Miera
give credit if using quotes by "Walt Disney or myself