Wednesday, December 21, 2011
" Under A Silver Moon "
There is magic in the air I feel it every where
What could this magic be
Like a blanket of warmth I feel it embracing me
Could it be the stars and moon that accompany me
Or a warm fall breeze that blows leaves on a near by tree
I can feel something special happening around me
I feel a gentle touch upon my cheek
Angels wings brushing past me
Under a silver moon embracing me angel wings
And butterfly kisses touching my very soul
I close my eyes to take it all in
The smell of sweet perfume
From flowers in a near by field
The soft hum of bees
Under a sliver moon and stars
I find peace and comfort here
Like a blanket of warmth
I close my eyes and vision you
Under a silver moon embracing me angels wings
And butterfly kisses touching my very soul
The magic I feel embraces me
As I feel your touch upon my hand
From the heavens above you did come
I feel you here with me
Under a silver moon and stars for company
I draw you near to feel your embrace
The magic I feel is you here with me
An angels company under a silver moon
Like a blanket of warmth embracing me
I find peace and comfort here
I close my eyes and vision you
I feel your touch upon my hand
From the heavens above you did come
In your winged embrace you draw me in
Your presence brings comfort to me
Embraced in an angels love warm and free
Under a silver moon embracing me angel wings
And butterfly kisses touching my very soul
" Arms Of An Angel "
Sarah McLuaghlin
Video courtesy of youtube
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Saturday, December 17, 2011
"When I'm Blue"
When I'm feeling a little blue
And I find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes just to see your face
I' study every line from memory
I'll light a fire and watch it glow
I'll watch a snow flake hit my window pane
I'll pour my self a glass of wine
Turn the lights down low
When I'm feeling a little blue
And find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes just to see your face
I study every line from memory
I'll light a candle or two
Close my eyes and dream
I may play a soft melody or two
To match my mood
I may snuggled under a blanket
And watch a warm fire glow
When I'm feeling a little blue
And find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes just to see your face
I study every line from memory
I'll watch the twinkling of Christmas lights
As carols play softly in the back
I may feel a smile creep upon my face
As it turns my frown up side down
I may take pen to paper and paint a picture of you
That's what I might do when I'm feeling blue
I'll paint every line upon your face from memory
From your smile to the twinkle in your eyes
I'll paint it with love from me to you
This will be a master piece
Rembrandt nor Vanghoug could paint what I see
What's in my heart is how I'll paint
When I'm feeling a little blue
And I find myself thinking of you
I close my eyes just to see your face
I study every line from memory
I'll light a fire and watch it glow
I'll watch a snow flake hit my window pane
I'll pour myself a glass of wine
Turn the lights down low
This is what I do when I feeling down and blue
I close my eyes and dream of you .............................
Video Courtesy of youtube
"Blue Christmas"
Glee Cast Version
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
" Here I Stand "
On the sidelines of a shore I did stay
Oh how I longed to come near
To take a closer look of what could be
Fear kept me at bay
There you were a beautiful soul
I longed to know
To see what lay in store for you and I
Yet on the shore I did stayed
You beckoned me to come close
Don't be afraid come take my hand
Along a shore we shall walk
Here I stand in my spot
Fear would not let me be
Oh how I longed to lose her grip
Here I stand upon this shore
Don't be afraid you said once more
Take my hand come walk with me
On the sidelines of a shore I did stay
Oh how I longed to come near
To take a closer look of what could be
Fear kept me at bay
There you were a beautiful soul
I longed to know
To see what lay in store for you and I
Yet on the shore I did stay
You beckoned me to come close
Don't be afraid come take my hand
Along a shore we shall walk
Here I stand in my spot
Fear would not let me be
Oh how I longed to lose her grip
Here I stand upon this shore..............
Video Courtesy of YouTube
"The Ocean " Vol 1
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Friday, December 16, 2011
" If Only A Memory "
I believe you and I were meant to be
If only in a memory
We came so close to touching the sky
We were the sun the stars in a velvet sky
A midnight moon smiled down on us
We shined brighter than he sun
We had the rain to wash away the blues
I believe you and I were meant to be
If only a memory
Together we walked through life hand in hand
We dared to dream of better day's
From late night chats too the early hours
We came so close to being one
I believe you and I were meant to be
If only a memory
No one can say we didn't try
We did our best you and I
We had laughter and good times
Some tears did fall from time to time
As seasons changed so did we
Still we made great memories
I believe you and I were meant to be
If only a memory
We went from being you and I to we
Friends is what we came to be
You put a smile upon my face
I in turn gave you a frown or two
I clowned around once or twice
Just to see you smile and hear you laugh
We came so close to touching the sun
To being one from you too me to we
I believe you and I we were meant to be
If only a memory
We had sunset drives along a bay
Waves washing upon the shores
We dared to dream of brighter days
You sang to me of days gone by
I gave you words of encouragement
You gave me dreams by candle light
Midnight strolls down memory lane
Sunrises can't compare to what we had
I believe you and I we were meant to be
If only a memory
And now we go our separate ways
No tears no sad goodbyes
We will always have our memories
The you and I stays the same
What lays ahead fro you and I
Only time will tell
Hand in hand we face what may
We close the door to yesterday
We came so close to being one
The sun the stars are here to stay
A midnight stroll down memory lane
A moon to guide our way
I believe you and I were meant to be
If only a memory
" I Still Believe In You"
By: Vince Gill
Video courtesy of youtube
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
"Being God's Daughter"
Being a spirit daughter of our Father in heaven, what does that really mean?
How often have you thought about yourself in this way?
And if you stop to ponder this very thought, how does it make you feel?
Do you wonder if you are worthy of such a honor, too be "God's daughter! No need to wonder to hard sisters you are worthy of such a title.
Not because I have said this, rather because you are here upon this earth and more importantly because "God has called you too be his daughter.
Now how does that make you feel? To know that "God has hand picked you to be his daughter, just as he chose Mary too be the mother of his only begotten son "Jesus the Christ.
Do you feel even less unworthy of this title knowing this? You shouldn't! Sisters you are a special people women that wear this crown should wear it with their heads held high.
Knowing where you come from is as important as knowing where you are going, sisters you hold a very special calling.
To be called to be daughters of the most high "God, to be mothers of many nations is a worthy title wear your crown well.
Along with this crown comes a responsibility, to teach your children, to stand by your man through the good times as well as the hardships.
You wipe many a tear comfort many broken hearts, mend skinned knees tend to the sick and still find the time with very little energy for yourselves too get dinner on the table.
You do this out of love for your families, "God is very mindful of you he created you in a very special way you are both strong as you are soft.
You bend like a branch of a tree giving with out breaking, standing firm when the winds come yet you will break under the pressures of the world.
Know this sisters you are never alone in your afflictions, "God is walking right beside you and at times when need be he is carrying you.
You may feel that you are alone and no one cares, or that your cries go unheard that couldn't be further from the truth "God does hear you.
And like a good father he is making a way so that you may carry on, patients is needed sisters never stop believing or having faith that "God will take up your burdens.
We sisters tend to forget that "God is in control he knows our needs long before we come to him, we care for so many in our own lives that we forget how to relay on "God.
Our loved ones are depending on us to take control of situations that when it comes to our own needs, we don't know how to let go until we become over whelmed.
It takes us breaking under the pressure to finally come to "God and ask for his help sisters "God does understand.
He is very mindful of you and all that you are going through,being his daughter is an honor one that comes with many hardships as well as rewards.
Sisters you wear many titles mother; sister grandmother; daughter; auntie each one comes with responsibility each one you have worn with honor.
Wear your crown of being "Gods daughter with honor being his daughter brings you comfort in knowing that he will never leave you nor forsake you in your darkest hour.
Sisters you were hand picked you are a special people, being "Gods daughter is a great honor a calling that "God felt you were up too the challenge.
Stand tall in the face of affliction when the tides come and the wind whips at your heels take comfort in knowing that your father in heaven is standing right along side of you.
You are not alone "God does hear your cries he will not leave you comfortless, being his daughter means you can stand firm on his promises...................
"All Is Well"
By: Michael W. Smith
Video: Courtesy of YouTube
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved
How often have you thought about yourself in this way?
And if you stop to ponder this very thought, how does it make you feel?
Do you wonder if you are worthy of such a honor, too be "God's daughter! No need to wonder to hard sisters you are worthy of such a title.
Not because I have said this, rather because you are here upon this earth and more importantly because "God has called you too be his daughter.
Now how does that make you feel? To know that "God has hand picked you to be his daughter, just as he chose Mary too be the mother of his only begotten son "Jesus the Christ.
Do you feel even less unworthy of this title knowing this? You shouldn't! Sisters you are a special people women that wear this crown should wear it with their heads held high.
Knowing where you come from is as important as knowing where you are going, sisters you hold a very special calling.
To be called to be daughters of the most high "God, to be mothers of many nations is a worthy title wear your crown well.
Along with this crown comes a responsibility, to teach your children, to stand by your man through the good times as well as the hardships.
You wipe many a tear comfort many broken hearts, mend skinned knees tend to the sick and still find the time with very little energy for yourselves too get dinner on the table.
You do this out of love for your families, "God is very mindful of you he created you in a very special way you are both strong as you are soft.
You bend like a branch of a tree giving with out breaking, standing firm when the winds come yet you will break under the pressures of the world.
Know this sisters you are never alone in your afflictions, "God is walking right beside you and at times when need be he is carrying you.
You may feel that you are alone and no one cares, or that your cries go unheard that couldn't be further from the truth "God does hear you.
And like a good father he is making a way so that you may carry on, patients is needed sisters never stop believing or having faith that "God will take up your burdens.
We sisters tend to forget that "God is in control he knows our needs long before we come to him, we care for so many in our own lives that we forget how to relay on "God.
Our loved ones are depending on us to take control of situations that when it comes to our own needs, we don't know how to let go until we become over whelmed.
It takes us breaking under the pressure to finally come to "God and ask for his help sisters "God does understand.
He is very mindful of you and all that you are going through,being his daughter is an honor one that comes with many hardships as well as rewards.
Sisters you wear many titles mother; sister grandmother; daughter; auntie each one comes with responsibility each one you have worn with honor.
Wear your crown of being "Gods daughter with honor being his daughter brings you comfort in knowing that he will never leave you nor forsake you in your darkest hour.
Sisters you were hand picked you are a special people, being "Gods daughter is a great honor a calling that "God felt you were up too the challenge.
Stand tall in the face of affliction when the tides come and the wind whips at your heels take comfort in knowing that your father in heaven is standing right along side of you.
You are not alone "God does hear your cries he will not leave you comfortless, being his daughter means you can stand firm on his promises...................
"All Is Well"
By: Michael W. Smith
Video: Courtesy of YouTube
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
"The best is yet to come"
Have you ever wanted something so much, that you couldn't see past what your heart desired?
You could only focus on your desire that you couldn't understand why God wasn't answering your prayer.
How often do we listen to the answer that God is giving us when all we can see is what we want?
Do we give him thanks after we finally see clearly, that he was indeed giving us an answer.
We were just too caught up in our desires that we weren't listening, or perhaps the answer he was giving us wasn't what we wanted to hear. The latter is my guess is to why we don't move on, and why we stay focused on our pain.
Staying focused on our pain is one way that the adversary keeps us under his control, if he can keep pushing that hurt button then we won't be able to hear the message that God is trying to send.
Oh he is a tricky one there is no doubt about that, he has been doing his job far to long that he has mastered all the tricks in the book.
It's not until we lay in a heap upon the sands of life that we fully understand what God has in store for us. Why does it take us until then before we are willing to listen?
Simple it's when we are at our lowest that we draw closer to God, before we seem to think we have it all figured out. What we seem to keep forgetting is that we don't have all the answers to life's journey.
Like any good parent God lets us try to figure it out on our own, he knows we will come to him when we find that we haven't a clue too what we are doing.
God never say's I told you so or you should have listened too me then you wouldn't be in this fix, on the contrary he opens his arms wide waiting to embrace us.
Father while laying upon the sands broken and shattered you knelt by my side
Not a word did you speak as you gathered me in your arms
You carried me home safe in your embrace
I laid my head against your chest
While the tears streamed down my face
Not a word did you speak as you held me close
My shattered world my broken heart
You went straight to work gently wiping my tear's
With a reassuring smile upon your lips
Not a word did you speak
No I told you so you foolish child
When will you listen too me
He gathered me up and carried me home
Here I lay shattered broken and torn
The look in his eyes only reflects the love he has for me
He finally speaks I hear him say no need to fear
Child you will never walk this earth alone
With a reassuring smile a wink of his eye
Some how I know it's gonna be alright
I was once shattered and torn laying in a heap upon the sands of life
God came along and gathered me up in his loving embrace he carried me home and here I stay.........................
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo Courtesy: Photo
You could only focus on your desire that you couldn't understand why God wasn't answering your prayer.
How often do we listen to the answer that God is giving us when all we can see is what we want?
Do we give him thanks after we finally see clearly, that he was indeed giving us an answer.
We were just too caught up in our desires that we weren't listening, or perhaps the answer he was giving us wasn't what we wanted to hear. The latter is my guess is to why we don't move on, and why we stay focused on our pain.
Staying focused on our pain is one way that the adversary keeps us under his control, if he can keep pushing that hurt button then we won't be able to hear the message that God is trying to send.
Oh he is a tricky one there is no doubt about that, he has been doing his job far to long that he has mastered all the tricks in the book.
It's not until we lay in a heap upon the sands of life that we fully understand what God has in store for us. Why does it take us until then before we are willing to listen?
Simple it's when we are at our lowest that we draw closer to God, before we seem to think we have it all figured out. What we seem to keep forgetting is that we don't have all the answers to life's journey.
Like any good parent God lets us try to figure it out on our own, he knows we will come to him when we find that we haven't a clue too what we are doing.
God never say's I told you so or you should have listened too me then you wouldn't be in this fix, on the contrary he opens his arms wide waiting to embrace us.
Father while laying upon the sands broken and shattered you knelt by my side
Not a word did you speak as you gathered me in your arms
You carried me home safe in your embrace
I laid my head against your chest
While the tears streamed down my face
Not a word did you speak as you held me close
My shattered world my broken heart
You went straight to work gently wiping my tear's
With a reassuring smile upon your lips
Not a word did you speak
No I told you so you foolish child
When will you listen too me
He gathered me up and carried me home
Here I lay shattered broken and torn
The look in his eyes only reflects the love he has for me
He finally speaks I hear him say no need to fear
Child you will never walk this earth alone
With a reassuring smile a wink of his eye
Some how I know it's gonna be alright
I was once shattered and torn laying in a heap upon the sands of life
God came along and gathered me up in his loving embrace he carried me home and here I stay.........................
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo Courtesy: Photo
Saturday, December 10, 2011
"Where are you Christmas"
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Where are you Christmas |
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Why can't I find you |
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Where is the laughter you use to bring me |
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Why have you gone away |
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Why can't I hear the music play |
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My world is changing |
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I'm rearranging |
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Where are you Christmas |
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Does that mean Christmas changes too |
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Do you remember the one you use to know |
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I'm not the same one |
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See what the times done |
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Is that why you have let me go |
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Christmas is here every where |
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Christmas is here if you care |
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If there is love in your heart and your mind |
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You will feel like Christmas all the time |
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I feel you Christmas |
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I know I've found you |
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You never fade away |
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The joy of Christmas stays here inside us |
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Fills each and every heart with love |
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Where are you Christmas |
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Fill your heart with love |
"Where are you Christmas"
Sung by Faith HIll
Video Courtesy of You Tube
All Right Reserved
Photo's Bellagio Las Vegas
Photos Courtesy of Victoria E. Miera
"Tis the season"
Tis the season to be jolly for merriment a season of hope to renew your faith, tinsel strewn all about bright colored lights decorate a tree.
Tis the season where the world comes together for a brief moment offering good will towards their fellow man.
Children's hearts are filled with excitement their eyes all a glow with wonderment, in anticipation of a giant elf dressed all in red a beard of white as they wait upon this fellow to make his yearly ride.
Tis the season of busy shoppers in search of that perfect gift their arms loaded down with packages as they make their way from shop to shop.
Tis the season for remembering what Christmas is all about the gift given you it doesn't come from a store. It's not wrapped in brightly colored paper no ribbons nor bows this gift you won't find under a Christmas tree no giant elf scurrying down a chimney.
The gift given was wrapped in swaddling clothes as he entered this world on Christmas his mother placed the sleeping babe in a manger Angels sang glory glory to God come all ye faithful come come see your new born king.
The prince of peace a king of hope a lamb laying in a manager for you come come all ye faithful is the song the Angels did sing on Christmas.
No chimney was needed as these heavenly hosts descended down from the heavens above to bring good tiding of cheer as the babe lay sleeping in a manger his mother looking lovingly down upon his face.
Tis the season to be jolly to give glory to the most high for the gift that he gave to us on Christmas our king entered this world poor and homeless no crib for a bed.
He came so you and I could be too guide our way this babe will do as he leads us through difficult times our paths unsure his foot steps we must follow as he guides us home.
A gift from the most high the price was paid on Calvary this Christmas season remember the reason we celebrate the birth of a new born king our lamb he walked the very steps that you walk he does know what you are going through he has been there long before you.
Tis the season to be jolly for merriment a season of hope of forgiveness to renew your faith the real meaning of Christmas is not tinsel strewn all about and colored lights decorating a tree.
"Mary did you know"
Video courtesy of youtube
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved
Photo courtesy of Victoria
All Rights Reserved
Tis the season where the world comes together for a brief moment offering good will towards their fellow man.
Children's hearts are filled with excitement their eyes all a glow with wonderment, in anticipation of a giant elf dressed all in red a beard of white as they wait upon this fellow to make his yearly ride.
Tis the season of busy shoppers in search of that perfect gift their arms loaded down with packages as they make their way from shop to shop.
Tis the season for remembering what Christmas is all about the gift given you it doesn't come from a store. It's not wrapped in brightly colored paper no ribbons nor bows this gift you won't find under a Christmas tree no giant elf scurrying down a chimney.
The gift given was wrapped in swaddling clothes as he entered this world on Christmas his mother placed the sleeping babe in a manger Angels sang glory glory to God come all ye faithful come come see your new born king.
The prince of peace a king of hope a lamb laying in a manager for you come come all ye faithful is the song the Angels did sing on Christmas.
No chimney was needed as these heavenly hosts descended down from the heavens above to bring good tiding of cheer as the babe lay sleeping in a manger his mother looking lovingly down upon his face.
Tis the season to be jolly to give glory to the most high for the gift that he gave to us on Christmas our king entered this world poor and homeless no crib for a bed.
He came so you and I could be too guide our way this babe will do as he leads us through difficult times our paths unsure his foot steps we must follow as he guides us home.
A gift from the most high the price was paid on Calvary this Christmas season remember the reason we celebrate the birth of a new born king our lamb he walked the very steps that you walk he does know what you are going through he has been there long before you.
Tis the season to be jolly for merriment a season of hope of forgiveness to renew your faith the real meaning of Christmas is not tinsel strewn all about and colored lights decorating a tree.
"Mary did you know"
Video courtesy of youtube
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved
Photo courtesy of Victoria
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, December 8, 2011
"Some People"
Through out our lives we will meet many people, some will stay but for a brief time where others will stay with us through out our journey here upon this earth. Some will leave an impression upon our heart's where others will be but a memory.
Some people will bring a smile upon your lips, where others will bring a frown. some will brig a twinkle to your eye where others will bring a tear or two. Some people come into our lives that we can not forget some we wish we could erase their memory.
Some people come into our lives some will stay but a brief time, where others will remain by our side through out our journey here upon this earth. Some people become part of the fabric of our soul's.
Some people will give you a memory that last's a life time, some the memory will out last the person. Some people will give you their hearts with out asking for anything in return, others will take your heart and ask for the moon in return.
Some people come in to our lives and it feels so right, some will feel all wrong. Some people you just can't forget where others are but a memory. Some people touch us so deeply that no matter how hard you try to forget them, you just can't erase their memory.
Some people look in to your eyes and see your very soul, others look right through you. People come in and out of lives some we can never forget others we try to forget Some people have waited a life time in search of that special some one.
Some people throw away the gifts given them out of fear others would rather embrace the gift with out fear. Some people will bring you joy others will break your heart and bring a tear or two.
Through out or lives we meet many people, some become unforgettable. Some people you will forget, some will stay for a brief time some will stay through out our journey here upon this earth.Some will leave an impression upon our hearts, where others will just leave.
When you find that special person don't toss it away out of fear of being alone, a gift is never to be tossed away. So many people look their whole lives in search of that perfect gift that only few recognize, and embrace it knowing its true value.
"Song Bird"
FleetWood Mack
Video courtesy of You Tube
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved
Some people will bring a smile upon your lips, where others will bring a frown. some will brig a twinkle to your eye where others will bring a tear or two. Some people come into our lives that we can not forget some we wish we could erase their memory.
Some people come into our lives some will stay but a brief time, where others will remain by our side through out our journey here upon this earth. Some people become part of the fabric of our soul's.
Some people will give you a memory that last's a life time, some the memory will out last the person. Some people will give you their hearts with out asking for anything in return, others will take your heart and ask for the moon in return.
Some people come in to our lives and it feels so right, some will feel all wrong. Some people you just can't forget where others are but a memory. Some people touch us so deeply that no matter how hard you try to forget them, you just can't erase their memory.
Some people look in to your eyes and see your very soul, others look right through you. People come in and out of lives some we can never forget others we try to forget Some people have waited a life time in search of that special some one.
Some people throw away the gifts given them out of fear others would rather embrace the gift with out fear. Some people will bring you joy others will break your heart and bring a tear or two.
Through out or lives we meet many people, some become unforgettable. Some people you will forget, some will stay for a brief time some will stay through out our journey here upon this earth.Some will leave an impression upon our hearts, where others will just leave.
When you find that special person don't toss it away out of fear of being alone, a gift is never to be tossed away. So many people look their whole lives in search of that perfect gift that only few recognize, and embrace it knowing its true value.
"Song Bird"
FleetWood Mack
Video courtesy of You Tube
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved
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