Being a spirit daughter of our Father in heaven, what does that really mean?
How often have you thought about yourself in this way?
And if you stop to ponder this very thought, how does it make you feel?
Do you wonder if you are worthy of such a honor, too be "God's daughter! No need to wonder to hard sisters you are worthy of such a title.
Not because I have said this, rather because you are here upon this earth and more importantly because "God has called you too be his daughter.
Now how does that make you feel? To know that "God has hand picked you to be his daughter, just as he chose Mary too be the mother of his only begotten son "Jesus the Christ.
Do you feel even less unworthy of this title knowing this? You shouldn't! Sisters you are a special people women that wear this crown should wear it with their heads held high.
Knowing where you come from is as important as knowing where you are going, sisters you hold a very special calling.
To be called to be daughters of the most high "God, to be mothers of many nations is a worthy title wear your crown well.
Along with this crown comes a responsibility, to teach your children, to stand by your man through the good times as well as the hardships.
You wipe many a tear comfort many broken hearts, mend skinned knees tend to the sick and still find the time with very little energy for yourselves too get dinner on the table.
You do this out of love for your families, "God is very mindful of you he created you in a very special way you are both strong as you are soft.
You bend like a branch of a tree giving with out breaking, standing firm when the winds come yet you will break under the pressures of the world.
Know this sisters you are never alone in your afflictions, "God is walking right beside you and at times when need be he is carrying you.
You may feel that you are alone and no one cares, or that your cries go unheard that couldn't be further from the truth "God does hear you.
And like a good father he is making a way so that you may carry on, patients is needed sisters never stop believing or having faith that "God will take up your burdens.
We sisters tend to forget that "God is in control he knows our needs long before we come to him, we care for so many in our own lives that we forget how to relay on "God.
Our loved ones are depending on us to take control of situations that when it comes to our own needs, we don't know how to let go until we become over whelmed.
It takes us breaking under the pressure to finally come to "God and ask for his help sisters "God does understand.
He is very mindful of you and all that you are going through,being his daughter is an honor one that comes with many hardships as well as rewards.
Sisters you wear many titles mother; sister grandmother; daughter; auntie each one comes with responsibility each one you have worn with honor.
Wear your crown of being "Gods daughter with honor being his daughter brings you comfort in knowing that he will never leave you nor forsake you in your darkest hour.
Sisters you were hand picked you are a special people, being "Gods daughter is a great honor a calling that "God felt you were up too the challenge.
Stand tall in the face of affliction when the tides come and the wind whips at your heels take comfort in knowing that your father in heaven is standing right along side of you.
You are not alone "God does hear your cries he will not leave you comfortless, being his daughter means you can stand firm on his promises...................
"All Is Well"
By: Michael W. Smith
Video: Courtesy of YouTube
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved
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