"The earth,O Lord,is full of thy mercy; teach me thy status"
I have had to learn many a lesson this past week, and psalm 119:64 has spoken volumes to me. I had to learn the meaning of mercy,grace,compassion,humility, and how to be humble.
And what it truly meant to be "Christ like, by showing kindness while being in the service of man.
For the past twenty years it has been drummed into my brain to allow my clients to do as much for themselves as they possibly can.
But this past week I was given a task that in my mind was taking this away from one of my clients, and I found this to be one of the hardest tings for me to do,to just sit back and allow my client to depend on me more than I thought they should.
This was going to be the beginning of my lesson, a test that I wasn't sure I was going to pass. But none the less it was and is my test. I see that now, with the help of a kind soul who showed me this opportunity that I was given.
As I prayed over this situation little did I know, my answer was going to come quickly. This kind soul, was being used to help guide me through this process. I have often said "God places people our lives at just the right time to help us along our journey.
We just have to be willing to one recognize them and secondly if we are the one's being used, we must be willing to step up and speak up. I'm not sure I could be as faithful nor as brave as this kind soul.
I won't bore you with all the details, that's not what this blog is about. Its about understanding the meaning behind compassion, and mercy. In the bible we see how merciful, and compassionate the "Lord has been to man starting with the fall of man.
Mercy is an expression of love, and isn't that one of "God's greatest gift to man not to mention His commandment for us to love one another as He has loved us!
Compassion is another expression of love. "It is of the "Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassion fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23
Teach me thy status: Teach me to be "Christlike. To have humility to help the poor in spirit, to meet the needs of those less fortunate than myself. To show compassion again a sign of love.
To be teachable, to be humble and not arrogate, or assuming. In this case, I was assuming I knew what is best for your child, the very child that you have placed in my care. By doing this I was showing arrogance.
This was not an act of kindness, again another expression of love. Showing kindness to someone less fortunate than myself is an act of love. Showing tenderness and having compassion for my client is a lesson well worth learning.
I assumed my client didn't need my help, I assumed to much. What I didn't see was perhaps the scares that lay deep with in them. The very scares that only they and "God know about. I assumed my client didn't need my help and perhaps they don't, perhaps it's me that needed them more than they needed me!
I only know that from here on out I will look at my client through the eye's of love, through my spirit eye's and not from a medical stance! What lays beneath the surface is more than human eyes' can see.
To be in the service of man, is to be in the service of "God." Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40
"I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my adversities.: Psalms: 31:7
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: From my personal album
All Copy Rights Reserved:
Do not use without giving proper credit.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
On the other Foot
One of my callings in life has been to aide the sick.I have done this for the past twenty years. Day in and day out. I tend to those who can't do for themselves.
I assist with dressing; and helping folks brush their hair and teeth. I help them put on their sock's and shoes. It doesn't end their some of the folks I care for need extra help in getting in and out of bed.
It's a part of who I am. I am not good at letting others take care of me. That is just part of being the caregiver. Anyone in the health care industry can attest to this. We make bad patients but we are fabulous at our callings.
Recently I lost my dad; he didn't suffer. He actually went peacefully in his sleep. My brothers were with him; that in it's self has brought some comfort to this gal.
My dad had a kind loving and very giving heart. He loved to kid around. He would tell you a story, not just any story, but rather a tale that had you wondering if he was making it up; chances were he was. Then he would bust out with a belly laugh. My siblings and I would laugh right along side of him after we exclaimed oh dad!
We knew we had been had. I shall miss his pranks, that's for sure. Since my dad's passing I received a few call's from the agency that took care of pop's. Honestly I find them to be unnerving and I had to ask myself why?
As a caregiver I deal with death on a daily basis, it's part of the job, but now the shoe was on the other foot as I find myself being the one someone reaches out to. Yes they are doing their job, I tell myself as I ignore their call's.
No I don't wish to sit in on your grief counseling groups, and no I don't wish to chit chat with strangers about my loss! And no I am not wanting to call you back to let you know how I'm doing!
Again I know these fine folks are just doing their job; just as I have done in the past and continue to do so to-date.
As I said before the shoe is now on my foot and I now know how my clients must feel when I ask is there anything I can do for them as they say goodbye to their loved one.
No we don't want to discuss our grief with family and friends let alone total strangers. What we want is time to heal. Time to process what has taken place; time to mourn our loss. We need time just plain old time.
Calling once a month only adds to the stress. Your well meaning calls only confirm our loss and frankly some of us are not ready to face the reality.
You may wonder why I chose to write about my grief then to talk to a grief counselor. Simple answer, I'm not sitting across from anyone. There is no eye contact, no well meaning looks. No I'm sorry for your loss; simply no words being spoke other than those of my heart!
Grief comes in many forms and so does healing; and for me writing has always been my outlet. I can express myself with out fear of being judged, not that I care these days as to who feels the need to judge me. That comes with age and that my dears is another story one I won't bore you with.
We all go through the pain of loosing a loved one; there is no getting around that. We all feel the sting that death leave's behind. What we don't realize is that every one deals with loss differently. I can't say to you I know how you feel and you to me.
The truth is my loss is not like yours nor yours like mine. We all have our own personal feelings and how we deal with it is uniquely our own. What I can do is have empathy for what you're going through. Other than that were on our own.
Funny how that works. My dad will always be my hero, I will treasure the memories that we made. I may share a tale or two with those I chose to let into my memory box. But for now I'll hang on to them just a bit longer.
As for the grief counselors well my therapy couch is my laptop and I will continue to let time heal my broken heart and time will bind my wounds. My dad will always be in my heart and he is never far from my thoughts.
I love and miss you daddy..........
Author: Victoria E.Miera
Photo: From my personal album
All Rights Reserved:Do not copy with out proper credit or permission!
I assist with dressing; and helping folks brush their hair and teeth. I help them put on their sock's and shoes. It doesn't end their some of the folks I care for need extra help in getting in and out of bed.
It's a part of who I am. I am not good at letting others take care of me. That is just part of being the caregiver. Anyone in the health care industry can attest to this. We make bad patients but we are fabulous at our callings.
Recently I lost my dad; he didn't suffer. He actually went peacefully in his sleep. My brothers were with him; that in it's self has brought some comfort to this gal.
My dad had a kind loving and very giving heart. He loved to kid around. He would tell you a story, not just any story, but rather a tale that had you wondering if he was making it up; chances were he was. Then he would bust out with a belly laugh. My siblings and I would laugh right along side of him after we exclaimed oh dad!
We knew we had been had. I shall miss his pranks, that's for sure. Since my dad's passing I received a few call's from the agency that took care of pop's. Honestly I find them to be unnerving and I had to ask myself why?
As a caregiver I deal with death on a daily basis, it's part of the job, but now the shoe was on the other foot as I find myself being the one someone reaches out to. Yes they are doing their job, I tell myself as I ignore their call's.
No I don't wish to sit in on your grief counseling groups, and no I don't wish to chit chat with strangers about my loss! And no I am not wanting to call you back to let you know how I'm doing!
Again I know these fine folks are just doing their job; just as I have done in the past and continue to do so to-date.
As I said before the shoe is now on my foot and I now know how my clients must feel when I ask is there anything I can do for them as they say goodbye to their loved one.
No we don't want to discuss our grief with family and friends let alone total strangers. What we want is time to heal. Time to process what has taken place; time to mourn our loss. We need time just plain old time.
Calling once a month only adds to the stress. Your well meaning calls only confirm our loss and frankly some of us are not ready to face the reality.
You may wonder why I chose to write about my grief then to talk to a grief counselor. Simple answer, I'm not sitting across from anyone. There is no eye contact, no well meaning looks. No I'm sorry for your loss; simply no words being spoke other than those of my heart!
Grief comes in many forms and so does healing; and for me writing has always been my outlet. I can express myself with out fear of being judged, not that I care these days as to who feels the need to judge me. That comes with age and that my dears is another story one I won't bore you with.
We all go through the pain of loosing a loved one; there is no getting around that. We all feel the sting that death leave's behind. What we don't realize is that every one deals with loss differently. I can't say to you I know how you feel and you to me.
The truth is my loss is not like yours nor yours like mine. We all have our own personal feelings and how we deal with it is uniquely our own. What I can do is have empathy for what you're going through. Other than that were on our own.
Funny how that works. My dad will always be my hero, I will treasure the memories that we made. I may share a tale or two with those I chose to let into my memory box. But for now I'll hang on to them just a bit longer.
As for the grief counselors well my therapy couch is my laptop and I will continue to let time heal my broken heart and time will bind my wounds. My dad will always be in my heart and he is never far from my thoughts.
I love and miss you daddy..........
Author: Victoria E.Miera
Photo: From my personal album
All Rights Reserved:Do not copy with out proper credit or permission!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Every Rose has a Story
Every rose has a story to tell. By looking at it one would say awe how pretty or gee it sure smells good. Some folks will walk by with out a second glance.
But every rose is unique, no two are alike. They come in different sizes shapes and colors.
Though they are unique in their own way, they have a common bond. They need water; soil and sun to help them grow.
We are no different than the rose that we admire. We too come in many forms; and we each come with a story.
We are unique in our own way, and like the rose some will be over looked; while others will be admired. Like the rose we too need to be nurtured in order to grow.
We so often focus on our bodies, or at least some folks do; and this gal is not one of them! Don't get me wrong, I'm good with all you die hard gym goers.My focus is on the spirit. I enjoy working it out with the I wonders."
What don't tell me you don't know what that is! The wonders is simply a person who wonders how this or that works, the I wonder whys' in life. The lessons learned are many and there are times when the wonders lead one down another path in order to get the answer. Awe a great work out for the soul.
There are times when the wonders only leave a soul wanting more, looking for answers that may not be answered here on this earth, but still the wonders will take a soul on a journey.
While out and about, I enjoy the beauty of this earth from the sky to the grass, that's what wonder's do (teee -heeeeee) or perhaps that's what kids do! Either way it's always a good work out to wonder why life works the way it does.
Every soul is like a rose, each one unique each one has many petals. I often compare the soul to a rose, with many petals waiting to tell its story. .If you take the time to pull back a petal within your soul it will expose all the beauty it posses.
Next time you venture out, stop along the way to admire a rose. Enjoy its fragrance; as you compare it to your own inner beauty. We are all unique in our own way. We need to feed both our bodies as well as our souls.
Learn to pull back a petal of your own soul, let it's beauty shine through. Ask plenty of questions take a trip through the wonder's see where it leads you.
You may be pleasantly surprised as to how much you just might learn about yourself.
"I am but a rose in your hand's. I am a work in progress, "God and I are working on me. When I am done I will be a work of art, a master piece. Until then! On "God's work bench is where I shall remain.............
Author: Victoria E. Miera
All: Rights Reserved
Photo: From my own personal album!
But every rose is unique, no two are alike. They come in different sizes shapes and colors.
Though they are unique in their own way, they have a common bond. They need water; soil and sun to help them grow.
We are no different than the rose that we admire. We too come in many forms; and we each come with a story.
We are unique in our own way, and like the rose some will be over looked; while others will be admired. Like the rose we too need to be nurtured in order to grow.
We so often focus on our bodies, or at least some folks do; and this gal is not one of them! Don't get me wrong, I'm good with all you die hard gym goers.My focus is on the spirit. I enjoy working it out with the I wonders."
What don't tell me you don't know what that is! The wonders is simply a person who wonders how this or that works, the I wonder whys' in life. The lessons learned are many and there are times when the wonders lead one down another path in order to get the answer. Awe a great work out for the soul.
There are times when the wonders only leave a soul wanting more, looking for answers that may not be answered here on this earth, but still the wonders will take a soul on a journey.
While out and about, I enjoy the beauty of this earth from the sky to the grass, that's what wonder's do (teee -heeeeee) or perhaps that's what kids do! Either way it's always a good work out to wonder why life works the way it does.
Every soul is like a rose, each one unique each one has many petals. I often compare the soul to a rose, with many petals waiting to tell its story. .If you take the time to pull back a petal within your soul it will expose all the beauty it posses.
Next time you venture out, stop along the way to admire a rose. Enjoy its fragrance; as you compare it to your own inner beauty. We are all unique in our own way. We need to feed both our bodies as well as our souls.
Learn to pull back a petal of your own soul, let it's beauty shine through. Ask plenty of questions take a trip through the wonder's see where it leads you.
You may be pleasantly surprised as to how much you just might learn about yourself.
"I am but a rose in your hand's. I am a work in progress, "God and I are working on me. When I am done I will be a work of art, a master piece. Until then! On "God's work bench is where I shall remain.............
Author: Victoria E. Miera
All: Rights Reserved
Photo: From my own personal album!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Endless Possibilites
Matthew 19:26 Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With man this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." (KJV)
Recently I read a inspirational book, it started me thinking about the endless possibilities that lay in store for not only myself but for all that seek them.
To be perfectly honest I hadn't given much thought to what "God was trying to say to me, in regards to this matter. That was until I picked up a book written by a pastor, whom I just realized that "God had put him in my path to see the endless possibilities that He has in store for not only myself, but for you as well.
And this is where my journey begins. As I started to ponder the meaning of endless possibilities, I realized that, there is no end to what "God wants to bless His children with. He has a warehouse filled with many blessings. Blessings that are waiting for His children to claim.
I had to wrap my mind around this endless business! Wow when I stopped to think about what this meant it was just a bit over whelming to say the least. To think that "God loved me and you that much, that He is willing to give us our hearts desire!
And all we have to do in return is, to keep our minds single to His! To stay close to Him, now that's one sweet deal. But as I have said many times before, there is a battle going on with in our own minds that we can't seem to phantom the idea that someone would love us that much that they in this case "God would want the very best for us.
Lets face it we are so use to having to battle for every little thing we have, that when someone wants to hand over the goodies we kind of think ummm ok what's the catch? And what's in it for you? Yes we are a suspicious lot.
In this case "God is saying I want to give you your hearts desire. I want you to have more than you have right now. I want you to live in a lap of luxury. I want to see My children prosper. I want their cup's to run over with goodness and mercy all the day's of their natural born lives.
With man this would be impossible to obtain our hearts desire. It would take most of us a life time to achieve this and that's if we don't become discouraged and think awe this is to hard I can't do this. And those that have this mentality won't succeed.
I too had to change years of this kind of stinking thinking! Yuppers I am working on this task daily, and its not easy to change the way one has thought for so long (we won't say how long) but you get the point. If we keep thinking we can never get ahead, or that we will always live in poverty and that our dreams that we have won't come to pass, then you're right!
If we want to have a better way of life, then we have to stop thinking negatively, and put on a positive thinking cap. We need to raise each morning knowing that we are the children of the Most High, and that or "Heavenly Father want's us to have the finest that there is. We have to start believing in our abilities as He believes in us.
We were not meant to stay in poverty, nor did "God give us gift's and talents for us to keep hidden, we are to share these wonderful gifts with the world.
You have heard the saying that the sky is the limit, I'm here to tell you that God say's differently! The sky is not the limit there is no limit in what "God wants to do in your life. Now that ole liar would love for us to believe that malarkey. But the truth is there is an endless supply to what "God can do!
I feel like a kid in a candy store, I can't make up my mind on what treat I want. I know that "God lives I know He want's me to have the finest there is; I won't settle for less. I want Him to over flow my cup till I have no more room to catch all the blessings He has in store for me.
In Philippians 4:13 it say's " I can do all things through "Christ who strengthens me" (kjv) read it again. I can do all things through "Christ who strengthens me" not I might do or maybe I can but rather I can do!
So we need to put on that I can do attitude and shed that old way of thinking of I might or maybe I can!
Stinking thinking will only limit you! Endless possibilities are waiting for you and all you need to do is keep your eye single to the "Lord, walk next to Him and watch the windows of heaven open up and the blessings pour down.....
I am but a rose in "God's hands" I am a work in progress, we are working on me. Once I am done I will be a masterpiece a work of art, until then on "God's work bench is where I will remain...............................
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: From my personal album
Recently I read a inspirational book, it started me thinking about the endless possibilities that lay in store for not only myself but for all that seek them.
To be perfectly honest I hadn't given much thought to what "God was trying to say to me, in regards to this matter. That was until I picked up a book written by a pastor, whom I just realized that "God had put him in my path to see the endless possibilities that He has in store for not only myself, but for you as well.
And this is where my journey begins. As I started to ponder the meaning of endless possibilities, I realized that, there is no end to what "God wants to bless His children with. He has a warehouse filled with many blessings. Blessings that are waiting for His children to claim.
I had to wrap my mind around this endless business! Wow when I stopped to think about what this meant it was just a bit over whelming to say the least. To think that "God loved me and you that much, that He is willing to give us our hearts desire!
And all we have to do in return is, to keep our minds single to His! To stay close to Him, now that's one sweet deal. But as I have said many times before, there is a battle going on with in our own minds that we can't seem to phantom the idea that someone would love us that much that they in this case "God would want the very best for us.
Lets face it we are so use to having to battle for every little thing we have, that when someone wants to hand over the goodies we kind of think ummm ok what's the catch? And what's in it for you? Yes we are a suspicious lot.
In this case "God is saying I want to give you your hearts desire. I want you to have more than you have right now. I want you to live in a lap of luxury. I want to see My children prosper. I want their cup's to run over with goodness and mercy all the day's of their natural born lives.
With man this would be impossible to obtain our hearts desire. It would take most of us a life time to achieve this and that's if we don't become discouraged and think awe this is to hard I can't do this. And those that have this mentality won't succeed.
I too had to change years of this kind of stinking thinking! Yuppers I am working on this task daily, and its not easy to change the way one has thought for so long (we won't say how long) but you get the point. If we keep thinking we can never get ahead, or that we will always live in poverty and that our dreams that we have won't come to pass, then you're right!
If we want to have a better way of life, then we have to stop thinking negatively, and put on a positive thinking cap. We need to raise each morning knowing that we are the children of the Most High, and that or "Heavenly Father want's us to have the finest that there is. We have to start believing in our abilities as He believes in us.
We were not meant to stay in poverty, nor did "God give us gift's and talents for us to keep hidden, we are to share these wonderful gifts with the world.
You have heard the saying that the sky is the limit, I'm here to tell you that God say's differently! The sky is not the limit there is no limit in what "God wants to do in your life. Now that ole liar would love for us to believe that malarkey. But the truth is there is an endless supply to what "God can do!
I feel like a kid in a candy store, I can't make up my mind on what treat I want. I know that "God lives I know He want's me to have the finest there is; I won't settle for less. I want Him to over flow my cup till I have no more room to catch all the blessings He has in store for me.
In Philippians 4:13 it say's " I can do all things through "Christ who strengthens me" (kjv) read it again. I can do all things through "Christ who strengthens me" not I might do or maybe I can but rather I can do!
So we need to put on that I can do attitude and shed that old way of thinking of I might or maybe I can!
Stinking thinking will only limit you! Endless possibilities are waiting for you and all you need to do is keep your eye single to the "Lord, walk next to Him and watch the windows of heaven open up and the blessings pour down.....
I am but a rose in "God's hands" I am a work in progress, we are working on me. Once I am done I will be a masterpiece a work of art, until then on "God's work bench is where I will remain...............................
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: From my personal album
Monday, April 7, 2014
Willing To Give
As a young girl I wanted to either be a nurse or a nun ( laughs to self). As the years went by I changed my mind a couple of thousand times, as most kids do. Yet I still had the burning desire to help those in need.
I went from waiting tables to managing a small steak house, to putting myself through dental assisting school. All worth while trades but they didn't quench the need burning within me to do more for my fellow man.
I told myself being a dental assistant was like being a nurse ( chuckles) that was farthest from the truth! Oh the things we tell ourselves!After my marriage fell apart and my last child was born; I decided to move closer to my family.
Waiting tables was the only legal way I knew how to make a quick buck! I did this for a while until I landed a nice comfy job in a dental office. My little family and I moved to a small town thirty miles outside of Denver; where I waited tables yet again until the manager made me so mad that I walked out on him! I never said I was the brightest crayon in the box!
I thought ok you're so smart now what are you going to do? With four small kids at home and I decide to let my temper get the best of me Geez Louise! It was then that I found an add in the local paper it read get paid as you learn to care for the elderly! As it turned out the next class forming was that very Monday so off to register and the rest is history as the saying goes.
I just celebrated eighteen years in healthcare,wow this gig has lasted longer than my marriage! That's another story I'll save for another time. You can imagine I have cared for well over thousand's of clients, and I have dealt with more personalities than Cybil!
My career has taken me through many door's in many areas of health care; it was the best decision I ever made when I moved to a small town and walked out of one job to find the desire of my heart!
Over the past few years I changed employment, in each of these establishments I have found a lack of compassion coming from the very folks who made healthcare their chosen career path! I find it very disturbing to say the least! I often ask myself if perhaps it is I who expect more from my co-hearts than they are willing to give!
I once read somewhere that when you go off to work, work as if you are working for the "Lord" give it your all, do an honest day's work earn an honest day's pay; then when you lay down at the end of the day; you can rest assured that you have earned an honest dollar.
In the scriptures "Jesus gave the parable of the good Samaritan: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled , came where the man was; and when he saw him he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds; pouring on oil and wine.Then he put the man on his own donkey took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper."Look after him he said and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have. (Luke 10:25-37)
When we care for our sick brother's and sisters in "Christ we are taking care of one of "God's precious children. Caring for the sick is an art a gift not all are called and not all are given this talent. If you happen to have this talent; give from the heart give the best care you possibly can.
Don't walk on the other side of the road; stop and lend a helping hand; after all it just might be an angel testing you! We all need to be cared for, one day we may have the need of a good Samaritan; who is willing to stop along the road to bandage our wounds.
I am but a rose in His hands; a work in progress "God and I are working on me, when we are through I will be a masterpiece a work of art! Until then I shall remain on His work bench....................................................................................................................
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo's courtesy of: Photobox.com
I went from waiting tables to managing a small steak house, to putting myself through dental assisting school. All worth while trades but they didn't quench the need burning within me to do more for my fellow man.
I told myself being a dental assistant was like being a nurse ( chuckles) that was farthest from the truth! Oh the things we tell ourselves!After my marriage fell apart and my last child was born; I decided to move closer to my family.
Waiting tables was the only legal way I knew how to make a quick buck! I did this for a while until I landed a nice comfy job in a dental office. My little family and I moved to a small town thirty miles outside of Denver; where I waited tables yet again until the manager made me so mad that I walked out on him! I never said I was the brightest crayon in the box!
I thought ok you're so smart now what are you going to do? With four small kids at home and I decide to let my temper get the best of me Geez Louise! It was then that I found an add in the local paper it read get paid as you learn to care for the elderly! As it turned out the next class forming was that very Monday so off to register and the rest is history as the saying goes.
I just celebrated eighteen years in healthcare,wow this gig has lasted longer than my marriage! That's another story I'll save for another time. You can imagine I have cared for well over thousand's of clients, and I have dealt with more personalities than Cybil!
My career has taken me through many door's in many areas of health care; it was the best decision I ever made when I moved to a small town and walked out of one job to find the desire of my heart!
Over the past few years I changed employment, in each of these establishments I have found a lack of compassion coming from the very folks who made healthcare their chosen career path! I find it very disturbing to say the least! I often ask myself if perhaps it is I who expect more from my co-hearts than they are willing to give!
I once read somewhere that when you go off to work, work as if you are working for the "Lord" give it your all, do an honest day's work earn an honest day's pay; then when you lay down at the end of the day; you can rest assured that you have earned an honest dollar.
In the scriptures "Jesus gave the parable of the good Samaritan: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled , came where the man was; and when he saw him he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds; pouring on oil and wine.Then he put the man on his own donkey took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper."Look after him he said and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have. (Luke 10:25-37)
When we care for our sick brother's and sisters in "Christ we are taking care of one of "God's precious children. Caring for the sick is an art a gift not all are called and not all are given this talent. If you happen to have this talent; give from the heart give the best care you possibly can.
Don't walk on the other side of the road; stop and lend a helping hand; after all it just might be an angel testing you! We all need to be cared for, one day we may have the need of a good Samaritan; who is willing to stop along the road to bandage our wounds.
I am but a rose in His hands; a work in progress "God and I are working on me, when we are through I will be a masterpiece a work of art! Until then I shall remain on His work bench....................................................................................................................
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo's courtesy of: Photobox.com
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Walking Down Memory Lane
One of my favorite childhood memories is walking in the garden with my "Godfather. My Godfather lived in a small town outside of Denver; every summer for as long as I an remember he would come for me.
I would rise bright and early, just so I could take a walk with my Godfather, in his garden. He would tell me about the plants and what he was growing. In one row would be sweet peas; another row would hold the promise of red ripe tomatoes another held green onions poking out of the ground.
Golden sweet corn embraced in green leaves, the stalks would reach for the sky. Just like the sunflowers that grew along the fence. He would tell me about the deference between the two chili peppers that grew along side one another. One was a hot New Mexico pepper the other a mild sweet pepper. He would then say to me, be sure to wash your hands really good after touching that hot pepper and don't rub your eyes!
It would only take one time of not listening and you would know why you didn't rub your eyes after handling a hot pepper. (Oweie) I especially loved the smell of the warm earth in the morning,and the coolness of the morning air against my cheeks.
I can still hear the sounds of a time gone by, the birds chirping in a nearby tree, the cow mooing in a distant field; the clucking of the chickens looking for their morning feed. As I walk down memory lane I find myself missing that simple time, walking with a man who taught a city girl the importance of keeping "God first!
During our walks I was learning more than the names of plants in a garden; I was learning to walk with "Christ before I knew Him" it wasn't until now that I am penning this memory that I realized how my Godfather was very instrumental in my walk with "Christ."
We all have fond memories from a time gone by; some are good while others we would much rather leave in the past where they belong. Yet this is the very tool that the adversary uses to bend us to his will. He will bring up the past and torture you with the things that are painful just to keep you from your destiny.
In Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of "God. (KV)
What is acceptable to "God is not for us to dwell thins of the past, but rather to focus on the good things we have been blessed with. If you focus on the old hurtful memories you can't move forward, and if you don't move forward you won't grow to be the best flower in the garden.
We all have done things in our life time that we are no proud of; but here's the biggie if "God is not dwelling on it, why are we? "God is not throwing your past in your face! So don't let the master of deception deceive you into thinking that "God is punishing you for past mistakes!
And that is the reason you have not been blessed with that promotion or house or what ever you ave been longing for. Its all a lie! "God is not keeping you from moving forward but rather the guilt that we feel is what keeps us from moving forward to claim our reward.
Just like the peppers in my "Godfather's garden if you don't wash your hands after handling them you will get burned! Let go of the person you use to be; and start focusing on the person you want to be! Its ok to tiptoe through memory lane just as long as you don't stay in stinks ville!
Memories of days' gone by longing for a simpler time; stopping along the way to smell the rose's; there is no better way to get to know the real you that lies underneath; just waiting to be let out. Reach for your golden sunbeam let the blue skies embrace you. See how much further you will climb once you let go of the stink weeds of the past!
Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way. (KV)
I am but a rose in "God's hands" I am a work in progress, we are working on me. Once I am done I will be a masterpiece,until then I will remain on "God's work bench...................................................................................................................
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: From my personal album:
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
A Rose in His Garden
We so often go through life asking "God am I headed in the right direction? Is this the plan You have for my life? We have this need in-bedded deep with in us, a need to know we are headed in the right direction. We ask ourselves over and over again is this where I'm suppose to be?
The one's who ask this question the most, are the ones' who are dissatisfied with their choices. Oh don't get me wrong we all wonder if we are in the right place. Some where in the back of our minds we have imagined our lives differently.
Some folks have even gone as far as setting goals, and that isn't a bad idea for the most part. However when things don't go as planned and we all know how that happens (chuckles) Plans have a way of falling apart or taking a different direction than the ones we envisioned.
Life is funny that way, or perhaps "God has a senses of humor after all! Not that I would ever consider nor am I trying to imply that "God laughs at us! Rather that He simply reminds us of who is in control! If we veer off course He will gently redirect our steps. Its when we don't listen to that still small voice within us, that we get into trouble.
Recently as I was driving back from doing my weekly grocery shopping, I felt this overwhelming senses of peace engulf my very soul. To my surprise I found myself feeling very content, like a cat sunning herself and realizing I was very happy with the recent changes in my life.
Now I too had been like so many asking "God where do you want me? Am I heading in he right direction? Hello have You forgotten me? No "God had not forgotten me, I was just wanting the quick fix. I wanted the window of Heaven to open up and just rain down all the blessings I felt I deserved! And I wanted them now!
What I really needed to do was wait on "God I had to learn to be patient, I had to realize "God was in control and He had to clear the path so that I could continue my journey. I was at a road block, just like the ones we see when we take a road trip. I had a few detours to go around one of them was my own pride!
Oh how that ole pride ca get in ones way and mess up a perfectly good trip!
As I was pondering my new found feeling of peace, I asked myself what had changed to make my soul so very joyful? Why did I feel this senses of peace? I know what some are thinking why in world would you be asking this just sit back at enjoy it! I would except I am one of those gals that has to ask a ton of questions ( laughs) I'm sure I drove my family crazy with the whys' and how come's.
The answer came to me much latter and it was while I was enjoying a good book by Joel Osteen. One page inparticular hit home with me "Bloom Where You Are Planted" as I read this page I realized I was exactly where "God had planted me, I was where He needs me to be, so that I could bloom.
We may never know when or where "God will answer our questions or through what form nor person. I realized I had the answer and yes I am where I'm suppose to be. Will I stay planted where I'm at? Who knows' only the Master Gardener has the answer to that question.
Even the best gardeners know when to re-plant. If a plant isn't fairing well in the garden, they will place it in another spot in hopes that the roots will take, and it will flourish and grow. "God knows' when to re-plant and where we need to be. "God is a masterful gardener He has to make ready the soil; so that we can flourish and He too hopes we take root and grow.
For now I will enjoy this new found joy, and if you are in a place where you are wondering am I in the right place? Not to worry if you're not the Master Gardener will surly replant you so that you too can take root and blossom!
"God only wants to see us grow to our fullest potential, in order for us to do this we need to get out of our own way! We need to put pride on the sideline so that we can let "God do what He does best and that is take control! Once we do this we can reap the benefits and watch the windows of Heaven open and the blessings pour down.
Are you where you're suppose to be? Are you headed in the right direction? You are if you are at peace with where your life and choices have taken you.
Psalm 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way. (KJV)
"I Am but A Rose in His Garden" In His capable hands I am safely planted. "I Am a work in progress "God and I are working on me; when We are through I will be a masterpiece,until then I will remain on the Masters work bench.....................
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: Taken at the State Capital in Sacramento, Ca
Photo: From my personal album..........................................................................................
The one's who ask this question the most, are the ones' who are dissatisfied with their choices. Oh don't get me wrong we all wonder if we are in the right place. Some where in the back of our minds we have imagined our lives differently.
Some folks have even gone as far as setting goals, and that isn't a bad idea for the most part. However when things don't go as planned and we all know how that happens (chuckles) Plans have a way of falling apart or taking a different direction than the ones we envisioned.
Life is funny that way, or perhaps "God has a senses of humor after all! Not that I would ever consider nor am I trying to imply that "God laughs at us! Rather that He simply reminds us of who is in control! If we veer off course He will gently redirect our steps. Its when we don't listen to that still small voice within us, that we get into trouble.
Recently as I was driving back from doing my weekly grocery shopping, I felt this overwhelming senses of peace engulf my very soul. To my surprise I found myself feeling very content, like a cat sunning herself and realizing I was very happy with the recent changes in my life.
Now I too had been like so many asking "God where do you want me? Am I heading in he right direction? Hello have You forgotten me? No "God had not forgotten me, I was just wanting the quick fix. I wanted the window of Heaven to open up and just rain down all the blessings I felt I deserved! And I wanted them now!
What I really needed to do was wait on "God I had to learn to be patient, I had to realize "God was in control and He had to clear the path so that I could continue my journey. I was at a road block, just like the ones we see when we take a road trip. I had a few detours to go around one of them was my own pride!
Oh how that ole pride ca get in ones way and mess up a perfectly good trip!
As I was pondering my new found feeling of peace, I asked myself what had changed to make my soul so very joyful? Why did I feel this senses of peace? I know what some are thinking why in world would you be asking this just sit back at enjoy it! I would except I am one of those gals that has to ask a ton of questions ( laughs) I'm sure I drove my family crazy with the whys' and how come's.
The answer came to me much latter and it was while I was enjoying a good book by Joel Osteen. One page inparticular hit home with me "Bloom Where You Are Planted" as I read this page I realized I was exactly where "God had planted me, I was where He needs me to be, so that I could bloom.
We may never know when or where "God will answer our questions or through what form nor person. I realized I had the answer and yes I am where I'm suppose to be. Will I stay planted where I'm at? Who knows' only the Master Gardener has the answer to that question.
Even the best gardeners know when to re-plant. If a plant isn't fairing well in the garden, they will place it in another spot in hopes that the roots will take, and it will flourish and grow. "God knows' when to re-plant and where we need to be. "God is a masterful gardener He has to make ready the soil; so that we can flourish and He too hopes we take root and grow.
For now I will enjoy this new found joy, and if you are in a place where you are wondering am I in the right place? Not to worry if you're not the Master Gardener will surly replant you so that you too can take root and blossom!
"God only wants to see us grow to our fullest potential, in order for us to do this we need to get out of our own way! We need to put pride on the sideline so that we can let "God do what He does best and that is take control! Once we do this we can reap the benefits and watch the windows of Heaven open and the blessings pour down.
Are you where you're suppose to be? Are you headed in the right direction? You are if you are at peace with where your life and choices have taken you.
Psalm 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way. (KJV)
"I Am but A Rose in His Garden" In His capable hands I am safely planted. "I Am a work in progress "God and I are working on me; when We are through I will be a masterpiece,until then I will remain on the Masters work bench.....................
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: Taken at the State Capital in Sacramento, Ca
Photo: From my personal album..........................................................................................
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
In the Master's Hand's
While laying in bed after a very long and difficult day, I reflected on of what took place. It started out like any other day, with me getting up and getting ready for work. Little did I know it wasn't going to be a normal day, no not today. Today was going to be filled with trials and it was going to test my very patients.
Recently the company I worked for under- went some major changes in management. And like any company that makes changes the uncertainty of the what ifs sets in! What if we no longer have employment or what if they keep me and I don't fit into their idea of what an employee is suppose to be, well according to their idea of the perfect employee.
At first it looked as if I would be one of the lucky ones' that would be relocated, what a relief. One because I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting the new manager. I'm sure he was going to be a good manager, but I knew we were not going to be a good fit.
I shared this with a family member, only to have them say to me.Don't give up on God, don"t turn from Him! Don't loose faith something will come along. I know this person was trying to give me words of wisdom and comfort.
But what this soul didn't know was I would not give up on God today or any other day. You see God and I have been through tougher times than this. He has been with me from the start, why would I think He would give up on me,that just seemed absurd to me.
I realized while laying in the still darkness and quiet of my room with only my thoughts. God and I go way back, He has seen me through tougher times, and this was just going to be a little bump in the road.
Granted once upon a time I might have had a different outlook on the what ifs. But today I realized I had grown spiritually and the foundation I have under my feet has been a work in progress. I had to learn to trust God's wisdom, He knows what's ahead.
I can't say that I always had the faith to trust in "God's wisdom, I was afraid of letting go. Yes I said it I was afraid of letting go, and letting "God do His job. I wanted to but some where deep with in I just didn't know how.
I had to learn and it wasn't going to be an over night magic trick! It was going to be a slow process, one that would take years of refining me. The master was going to have His hands full, He needed to undo years of fear that laid deep with in my very core. He would have to pull back the layers that I hid behind to shield me from fear.
It was while I was laying in the dark of my room that I realized just how far "God and I had come. I was learning to let go and I was learning to let Him take the wheel. I had come along way from the day I met "Christ in my kitchen.
I had learned somewhere along the way that I could turn everything over to Him, and I knew then as I do today that He can and will take care of me and all my needs! What a wonderful feeling knowing that "Christ had it all under control and all I had to do was trust His wisdom.
Finally I didn't have that burden on my shoulder! Yes I was not alone in this, nor was I worried about what lay ahead. No "God is there in my future as He was in my past. He will be in all my tomorrows just like He was in all my yesterday's!
Somewhere along the road, I found a solid foundation when I found "Christ" when I started building a relationship with "Christ was when I learned to let go!
I was and still am a work in progress, the "Lord and I are working on me! When we are done I will be a work of art; but for now I am in the Masters hands and there I will stay till we are done working on me.
Author of: In the Master's Hand's" Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved.
Photo: courtesy of photobucket.com
Matters of The Heart
Matters of the heart can be a very complicated issue to undertake, yet here I sit taking on such a task. Something that should be so simple as love should be anything but a task!
So what has me behind my keyboard taking on such a task? Well it all started after reading a quote in a book. There is no fear in love! Now this had me thinking and this my friends has brought me to my desk and here I sit typing away.
Jesus gave a new commandment John13:34-35 "A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another, by this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
You maybe asking yourself what does this have to do with matters of the heart? It has everything to do with the heart. You see when "Jesus gave this new commandment, He gave it out of love. Perhaps He knew it would be one of the hardest things man could do.
Yet it is so easy to love! We have love for baseball, kittens babies, we even have love for one another to a certain degree. What we don't have is un-condtional love for one another! The kind of love that "Christ has for us.
We hold back out of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of not being loved: fear of not being worthy of such a gift. Perhaps we are afraid of giving love a second chance, maybe we have been hurt in the past and the very thought of giving our hearts away brings back that bitter memory.
What ever the reason may be, we are incapable of fully loving with out having fear tagging along!Oh what we miss out on when we hold back all because we have fear in our hearts. Letting go of the past hurts will allow us to grow. Open the heartstrings and allow someone in to see what "Christ saw when He gave His new commandment.
That we are worthy of being loved and ever so capable of giving love in return. Love was not born out of fear, it was given to us not as a gift but a curse! When we live our lives out in fear we loose more tan we gain. Love is not to be feared but cherished nurtured, like that of a beautiful flower.
Feeding into fear smothers the wonderful feelings that only love can bring to the surface of one's soul. Love makes us happy, it brings warmth to our very being. Love is a feel good, feeling so much so that we want to share it with everyone we meet on the street.
One can not help but smile from the inside out. Love can make a bad day seem do-able. You have positive thoughts instead of living in a world of negativity. You are the kind of person that everyone wants to be around when love has her perfect way with one's soul.
This is why "Christ wanted to give this new commandment, so that we could live a life of happiness. The adversary the biggest lair of them all, gave man fear. He knew if we had love for one another we wouldn't see his cunning way's. He could hide behind the lie that love hurts its not a good feeling it will only bring you pain and tears!
Its the first thing he throws in our face when the very person we love has hurt our feelings, he widens the gap by having the hurt feelings stay up-front. Oh he is so cunning hat he will have us think its our own thoughts when in fact their his!
Matters of the heart are very complicated there is no doubt about that, its how you choose to use the power that love has. If you are still holding back out of fear I encourage you to take it into prayer, ask "God to help you open your heart to love. What have you t loose?
Photo: Courtesy os photobucket.com
All Rights Reserved:
Author of "Matters of The Heart" Victoria E. Miera
So what has me behind my keyboard taking on such a task? Well it all started after reading a quote in a book. There is no fear in love! Now this had me thinking and this my friends has brought me to my desk and here I sit typing away.
Jesus gave a new commandment John13:34-35 "A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another, by this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
You maybe asking yourself what does this have to do with matters of the heart? It has everything to do with the heart. You see when "Jesus gave this new commandment, He gave it out of love. Perhaps He knew it would be one of the hardest things man could do.
Yet it is so easy to love! We have love for baseball, kittens babies, we even have love for one another to a certain degree. What we don't have is un-condtional love for one another! The kind of love that "Christ has for us.
We hold back out of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of not being loved: fear of not being worthy of such a gift. Perhaps we are afraid of giving love a second chance, maybe we have been hurt in the past and the very thought of giving our hearts away brings back that bitter memory.
What ever the reason may be, we are incapable of fully loving with out having fear tagging along!Oh what we miss out on when we hold back all because we have fear in our hearts. Letting go of the past hurts will allow us to grow. Open the heartstrings and allow someone in to see what "Christ saw when He gave His new commandment.
That we are worthy of being loved and ever so capable of giving love in return. Love was not born out of fear, it was given to us not as a gift but a curse! When we live our lives out in fear we loose more tan we gain. Love is not to be feared but cherished nurtured, like that of a beautiful flower.
Feeding into fear smothers the wonderful feelings that only love can bring to the surface of one's soul. Love makes us happy, it brings warmth to our very being. Love is a feel good, feeling so much so that we want to share it with everyone we meet on the street.
One can not help but smile from the inside out. Love can make a bad day seem do-able. You have positive thoughts instead of living in a world of negativity. You are the kind of person that everyone wants to be around when love has her perfect way with one's soul.
This is why "Christ wanted to give this new commandment, so that we could live a life of happiness. The adversary the biggest lair of them all, gave man fear. He knew if we had love for one another we wouldn't see his cunning way's. He could hide behind the lie that love hurts its not a good feeling it will only bring you pain and tears!
Its the first thing he throws in our face when the very person we love has hurt our feelings, he widens the gap by having the hurt feelings stay up-front. Oh he is so cunning hat he will have us think its our own thoughts when in fact their his!
Matters of the heart are very complicated there is no doubt about that, its how you choose to use the power that love has. If you are still holding back out of fear I encourage you to take it into prayer, ask "God to help you open your heart to love. What have you t loose?
Photo: Courtesy os photobucket.com
All Rights Reserved:
Author of "Matters of The Heart" Victoria E. Miera
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