In the Master's Hand's
While laying in bed after a very long and difficult day, I reflected on of what took place. It started out like any other day, with me getting up and getting ready for work. Little did I know it wasn't going to be a normal day, no not today. Today was going to be filled with trials and it was going to test my very patients.
Recently the company I worked for under- went some major changes in management. And like any company that makes changes the uncertainty of the what ifs sets in! What if we no longer have employment or what if they keep me and I don't fit into their idea of what an employee is suppose to be, well according to their idea of the perfect employee.
At first it looked as if I would be one of the lucky ones' that would be relocated, what a relief. One because I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting the new manager. I'm sure he was going to be a good manager, but I knew we were not going to be a good fit.
I shared this with a family member, only to have them say to me.Don't give up on God, don"t turn from Him! Don't loose faith something will come along. I know this person was trying to give me words of wisdom and comfort.
But what this soul didn't know was I would not give up on God today or any other day. You see God and I have been through tougher times than this. He has been with me from the start, why would I think He would give up on me,that just seemed absurd to me.
I realized while laying in the still darkness and quiet of my room with only my thoughts. God and I go way back, He has seen me through tougher times, and this was just going to be a little bump in the road.
Granted once upon a time I might have had a different outlook on the what ifs. But today I realized I had grown spiritually and the foundation I have under my feet has been a work in progress. I had to learn to trust God's wisdom, He knows what's ahead.
I can't say that I always had the faith to trust in "God's wisdom, I was afraid of letting go. Yes I said it I was afraid of letting go, and letting "God do His job. I wanted to but some where deep with in I just didn't know how.
I had to learn and it wasn't going to be an over night magic trick! It was going to be a slow process, one that would take years of refining me. The master was going to have His hands full, He needed to undo years of fear that laid deep with in my very core. He would have to pull back the layers that I hid behind to shield me from fear.
It was while I was laying in the dark of my room that I realized just how far "God and I had come. I was learning to let go and I was learning to let Him take the wheel. I had come along way from the day I met "Christ in my kitchen.
I had learned somewhere along the way that I could turn everything over to Him, and I knew then as I do today that He can and will take care of me and all my needs! What a wonderful feeling knowing that "Christ had it all under control and all I had to do was trust His wisdom.
Finally I didn't have that burden on my shoulder! Yes I was not alone in this, nor was I worried about what lay ahead. No "God is there in my future as He was in my past. He will be in all my tomorrows just like He was in all my yesterday's!
Somewhere along the road, I found a solid foundation when I found "Christ" when I started building a relationship with "Christ was when I learned to let go!
I was and still am a work in progress, the "Lord and I are working on me! When we are done I will be a work of art; but for now I am in the Masters hands and there I will stay till we are done working on me.
Author of: In the Master's Hand's" Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved.
Photo: courtesy of
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