Every little girls fantasy is to have her prince charming; we are read stories at bed time of happily ever after all the classic bed time stories from Cinderella to Sleeping beauty end with a happily ever after. Oh sure they have their ups and downs before they get to this point the prince has to slay a few dragon's fend off an evil witch before he can claim his princess.
In the real world it doesn't always end with happily ever after; there are a few exceptions to that rule and for those that do find that happily ever after I wish them nothing but good fortune sunny skies and happy days ahead. And for those of us that still believe in the magical dream of one day our prince or princess will come hang in there they will it just takes time.
We may have to kiss a few frogs along the way jump through many hoops slay a few dragons but it will happen when you least expect it or so I have been told this and I can honestly say it does when you least expect it love hits you like a ton of bricks! Cupid has a funny way of zapping you with that love arrow of his; but what if he zaps you and you're not ready to love? Hard to imagine that Cupid would make such a mistake after all isn't that what every one is looking for that special someone to come along?
From the moment "God created the earth he put both male and female to cultivate and roam the earth side by side; sure he first had man and when he saw man was alone he didn't like it so out of man's ribs came women a help mate a companion a friend to man; even after he flooded the earth he made sure to fill the ark with both male and female.
"God never intended man to be alone its not part of his plan they say for every man is a woman I honestly believe this to be true; its just so darn hard to believe this when you find your self alone and single! Stupid Cupid your aim has been off for way to long I think perhaps you need more target practice but please take aim some where else I'm not ready to give love another try!
I once thought that I was ready to start over and love again but the truth is I'm not I had to face this hard truth recently while reflecting back on my life and wondering about my future and what I wanted out of life for myself not for my children or any one else but rather for myself.
For the first time I was thinking about myself it must have been that darn self help book my sister gave me; what ever it was it had me thinking what is it that I wanted out of life for myself and honestly I have no clue!
What I am sure of is that I am to ready to give my heart away again it's been broken far to many times and I really don't think there is enough supper glue to keep fixing it no love hasn't been good to me that's for sure. There's a song sung by one of my favorite artists "Loves been hard on me" I can relate to the lyrics and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone.
Don't get me wrong I had some good rides on the love boat it's just when it docked that I had to pick up the pieces of my broken heart and this has left me wondering if............. (Stay Tune To Part 2)
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo Courtesy of The Enchanted Journey
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
October Rose
October Rose
October Rose petals soft and pink here to stay on a cool fall day.......
Green leaves dancing in the wind blue skies give way to skies of gray........
A reminder that summer is off for a long winters nap...........
Daffodils buttercups butterflies and blue birds take their winter leave.....
Empty nests sit in trees with magical leaves changing right before
our eyes .........
Hues of reds yellows and golden brown all a sign that fall is here to stay
Sweaters and hats children all bundled up to go out to play
Fishing poles baseball gloves skate boards all put away
Gray skies a reminder that winter is on its way........
October Rose with your petals soft and pink here to stay on a cool fall day
Green leaves dancing in the wind blue skies give way to skies of gray
A reminder that summer is off for a long winters nap.....
Lady bugs caterpillars dragonflies and leaves of green are gone till spring
Golden pumpkins corn mazes goblins and ghosts sweet sticky treats
Carnivals bobbing for apples hay rides one last barn dance
A pile of leaves to hard to resist all a sign that fall is here.....
Winters breath is brushing upon my cheeks turning them a rosy hue
Blue skies turning gray flowers take their winter nap till spring.....
Dew drops dance upon a grassy hill the sunlight plays a game of peek-a-boo
It hides behind a gray sky from time to time it comes out to play
Acorns and walnuts a favorite treat hot cider pumpkin pie
A cozy fire to warm our hands and feet....
October Rose your petals soft and pink here to stay on a cool fall day
Green leaves dancing in the wind blue skies give way to skies of gray
A reminder that summer is off for a long winters nap.....
Empty nests in trees with magical leaves changing right before our eyes
Hues of reds yellows and golden brown all a sign that fall is here to stay
Sweaters and hats children all bundled up to go out to play
Gray skies a reminder that winter is on its way........
Flowers start to fade as they take their leave on a cool fall day
October Rose your petals will soon fade as you say farewell
See you come spring.....
All Rights Reserved
Use with proper credit
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo courtesy of Victoria personal Album.......
Monday, September 10, 2012
Drops of Water
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Beads of water on a plant photo courtesy of Victoria E. Miera |
Recently I heard a sermon and it had me thinking, that's always a good sign and a testimony to the preacher that his words have had an impact on someone, and yes there are a few souls sitting in the congregation listening to the words that you have spent hours in preparing for your Sunday's service. Now what had my attention was the word authorization a simple word used in a phrase it was this particular word that had me thinking, how many of us give our authorization to the adversary to wreck our plans!
I know we don't intentionally give it to him we do it with out even thinking that's how sly he is!Every time we accept defeat we authorize the adversary to continue on his course of destruction never thought about it that way did you well neither did I what an eye opener. There will be times that we won't get things that we want like that job we applied for or that promotion at work but does that mean we stop applying? No we still need to do our part but what do I mean about giving permission to the adversary to wreck our plans? Simple each time we just sit back and accept things as they are we give our authorization.
We are simply saying ok we will accept things as they are wrong that's the time we need to draw closer to the "Lord and ask him what the next step is going to be. Accepting defeat is not an option when we sit back with this oh well it is what it is attitude we are giving up. Take back your consent keep the fight going don't give power to the one who should be powerless in this case the adversary!When we dig deep with in ourselves and find that spark that sets us on fire to fight for what we want we get motivated enough to go after them.
Yet how many times have we sat back with this I guess it wasn't meant to be attitude? Far to often I find myself doing just that but what if it wasn't a case of it wasn't meant to be? How would I know this if I don't ask the one person who has all the answers I wouldn't because I have accepted defeat and just handed over my authorization to the adversary with out thinking twice about it! Now that this has me in the thinking mode I need to be like the plant in my photo instead of letting the drops roll off I need to put them to good use we need to take those drops that have been given to us and use them to fuel the fire with in us by asking the "Lord is this part of his plan?
When we don't and ask and we just accept it at face value we maybe loosing out on a golden opportunity, how may times in life do we ever take anything at face value? Then why do we when we loose out on that promotion as we just settle back into our routine that's the time we should be asking "God is this part of his plan is there something better in store for us in the near future. Instead we sit back and accept it with hurt feelings or an attitude. It's just my opinion that I simply think that by accepting defeat in this manner is giving up and when we give up on trying we are giving our permission away what a powerful tool that is in turn used against us!
Accepting things as they are is not part of "Gods plan for his children again my opinion I do believe that "God wants his children to move forward and not stay in one place but to grow in every area in their lives. Take the drops of water we have been given and start using them to help you grow instead of letting them roll off and fall where they may get that I can attitude and ask "God is this part of his plan don't just settle when "God himself want's the best for you is child.
When we don't change the things in life that have us upset or angry in life we are accepting life as it is and that my friend is not how "God want's his children to be living out their lives if you are in a negative frame of mind then you are not in a good place to grow!
All Rights Reserved: Give Popper Credit if used.
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo from Victoria E. Miera personal album.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Deep Roots
Have you ever felt like an old worn out tree those around you can't see your deep roots
They don't know of the many roads you have traveled they only see you aging with time
Like a tree you have weathered many storms yet all they can see is the lines on your face and the gray in your hair
You gave of your youth when you planted deep roots
Like an old tree who's leaves fall where they may
Your steps unsteady your hand loose their grip
What they don't see is the strength in your heart
Like the bark on a tree weathered and worn
Strong winds have come and tried tearing you down
Your roots were planted deep in the ground
Your hands have held many wiped a few tears
Over the years they washed a dish or two
Played a game and tied a shoe
Now a tell tail sign as age weakens their grip
Your mind is not as sharp but still you can recall
The name of your first grade teacher
Have you ever felt like an old worn out tree
Those around you can't see your deep roots
What they see is you aging with time
Like an old tree weathered and worn
All they can see is the gray in your hair
The lines on your face
What they don't see is the moss covering your roots
Guides them home when they are lost
They don't see the birds still gather nestled in your branches
They don't see that with every season you get better with time
The lines on your face are a tell tail sign of the days gone by
Though your hands have lost their grip they still hold a heart
They wipe a few tears and tie a shoe or two
Your roots run deep they are planted firm in the ground
Strong winds may come but they won't knock you down
You may be weathered and worn like the bark on a tree
Family and friends still gather underneath your branches
The comfort you give and words of wisdom
The memories you share the stories you tell
Gives them peace on a cold winters day....................
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Do Not Copy With Out Giving Proper Credit
Photo Courtesy of Victoria E. Miera personal album.
They don't know of the many roads you have traveled they only see you aging with time
Like a tree you have weathered many storms yet all they can see is the lines on your face and the gray in your hair
You gave of your youth when you planted deep roots
Like an old tree who's leaves fall where they may
Your steps unsteady your hand loose their grip
What they don't see is the strength in your heart
Like the bark on a tree weathered and worn
Strong winds have come and tried tearing you down
Your roots were planted deep in the ground
Your hands have held many wiped a few tears
Over the years they washed a dish or two
Played a game and tied a shoe
Now a tell tail sign as age weakens their grip
Your mind is not as sharp but still you can recall
The name of your first grade teacher
Have you ever felt like an old worn out tree
Those around you can't see your deep roots
What they see is you aging with time
Like an old tree weathered and worn
All they can see is the gray in your hair
The lines on your face
What they don't see is the moss covering your roots
Guides them home when they are lost
They don't see the birds still gather nestled in your branches
They don't see that with every season you get better with time
The lines on your face are a tell tail sign of the days gone by
Though your hands have lost their grip they still hold a heart
They wipe a few tears and tie a shoe or two
Your roots run deep they are planted firm in the ground
Strong winds may come but they won't knock you down
You may be weathered and worn like the bark on a tree
Family and friends still gather underneath your branches
The comfort you give and words of wisdom
The memories you share the stories you tell
Gives them peace on a cold winters day....................
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Do Not Copy With Out Giving Proper Credit
Photo Courtesy of Victoria E. Miera personal album.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
What do you see
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see a blue sky looking back at me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see the moon staring back at me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see trees of green in a sea of blue
What do you see when you look at the sky
I see the man in the moon not wanting to sleep
What do you see in a sky of blue
I see the moon playing with me
What do you see when you look at this view
I see a fence embracing a tree
What do you see when you look at this view
I a sea of green in front of me
What do you see when you look at this view
I see a lamp post standing alone
What do you see when you look at this view
A quiet street beckoning me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see a blue sky looking back at me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see the moon staring back at me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see trees of green in a sea of blue
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see the man in the moon not wanting to sleep
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo from Personal Album
Do not copy with out proper credit
I see a blue sky looking back at me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see the moon staring back at me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see trees of green in a sea of blue
What do you see when you look at the sky
I see the man in the moon not wanting to sleep
What do you see in a sky of blue
I see the moon playing with me
What do you see when you look at this view
I see a fence embracing a tree
What do you see when you look at this view
I a sea of green in front of me
What do you see when you look at this view
I see a lamp post standing alone
What do you see when you look at this view
A quiet street beckoning me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see a blue sky looking back at me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see the moon staring back at me
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see trees of green in a sea of blue
What do you see when you look to the sky
I see the man in the moon not wanting to sleep
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo from Personal Album
Do not copy with out proper credit
Monday, September 3, 2012
Not Perfect
Storms make me strong not weak I know who I am I know my worth "God loves me and if he loves me why would I think he wouldn't be here for me in my hour of need! I have climbed many mountains I have fallen more times that I care to count each time I have landed "God has picked me up and carried me when I thought I couldn't take another step.
My life is not perfect but my "God is and that is what keeps me going I have cried many tears my cheeks wear their stain "God wipes them away. I have often wondered why I continue on the answer is simple "God promised me it would be worth it in the end if I only hold on. I do my best to be the child that he wants me to be I often fail that doesn't stop me from taking another step forward I don't look back to often it only makes me sad.
My heart has been broken more times than I care to say I have put my trust in the wrong soul's and now I trust no one I know this sounds a little bitter it's not meant to be I have learned many lessons some I wouldn't wish on any one. My life is far from perfect but my "God is and that's what keeps me moving forward I don't live in a fancy house but the one my father has for me is grander than the ones here on earth.
I may not drive a fancy car nor wear the latest styles I don't lay on fancy sheets nor dress to impress I am a humble child who one day will wear the finest when "God calls me home. My shoes are worn from the many miles that they have traveled when I lay down at night I do so with a grateful heart because I know I have made it through another day.
I love to see a sunrise it helps set my day I know the master is busy but he stops his busy task and shows me how much he loves me! No my life is far from perfect I have cried so many tears "God could make another Ocean.
There have been many nights he has held me in his arms till dawn came to call he never lets me down I know he loves me and that's what keeps me strong. My storms have been many I often wonder why I am here "God gives me the answer in his time not mine. I do get frustrated I can't begin to tell you how many times I have pitched a fit to only be told hush now "Be Still And Know That I Am"
I am often misunderstood at times I have wondered if I was speaking another language by the looks that I have received. I enjoy a sunset I can breath a little easier I know that I have made it through another day. My life is far from perfect but my "God is and that's what keeps me moving forward his promise of it will be worth it in the end if I only hold on.
I don't allow fear into my daily walk my faith is strong I hope for better days I don't ask for much I only want what's mine and now you see another petal of this Rose I am "God's spirit daughter he calls me his own. I count my many blessings those I see and the ones I can't I know they are there in every trial they make me strong not weak one day I will have my rest when "God my Father calls me home.
Until then I shall continue on this journey in my imperfect life knowing my perfect "God is holding my hand and taking a daily walk with me. I will enjoy every sunrise and sunset in all their splendor and when my Father stops his work just to show me how much he loves me you know I will be wearing a big ole smile and my heart will be filled as joy spills over.
"God didn't say it would be easy only worth it in the end I endure many trials some have asked why I persevere? It's simple really I have eternity to live in a perfect world with a perfect Father in a mansion on a hill!
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved!
Do Not Copy With Out Giving Proper Credit.
Photo: From Personal Album do not borrow with out asking.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Hello Love
Hello Love I have been waiting for you for a very long time I don't know why I haven't let you in before what's that?
"Afraid" yes you are right I have been afraid why you ask? Love I know you are a wonderful feeling.
But the truth is I was afraid to allow myself to be hurt if you and I didn't work out! I would have to open up my heart to allow you in, Love I was afraid of exposing my heart of being vulnerable.
But I see I had nothing to fear I am so glad that you and I met when we did, no I have no regrets Love I knew you would stay for as long as you could, you and I were not meant to be apart I enjoyed your company the way you made me feel.
The silly grin you plastered on my face, oh no Love you have nothing to apologies for I am glad that you showed me what I was missing. Next time you come back this way I will be waiting with open arms to embrace you and Love I won't be afraid of letting you in.
I know it didn't work out this time around for us; but you see Love you were only meant to stop by to show me what Love was all about to show me what I was missing by closing off my heart. No I have no regrets Love you showed me that I have to open up my heart to let you settle in I will miss you I can't deny that. I do feel a little sad knowing that you had to take your leave.
Love I will only have fond memories to cherish till you return and when you do I will be ready to let you in till then I bid you a warm fare well and please Love don't stay away, I know that I do need you and you and I were never meant to be apart, I won't say good bye to you Love; only hello Love looking forward to your return.
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo Courtesy of PhotoBucket.com
Give Proper Credit
"Afraid" yes you are right I have been afraid why you ask? Love I know you are a wonderful feeling.
But the truth is I was afraid to allow myself to be hurt if you and I didn't work out! I would have to open up my heart to allow you in, Love I was afraid of exposing my heart of being vulnerable.
But I see I had nothing to fear I am so glad that you and I met when we did, no I have no regrets Love I knew you would stay for as long as you could, you and I were not meant to be apart I enjoyed your company the way you made me feel.
The silly grin you plastered on my face, oh no Love you have nothing to apologies for I am glad that you showed me what I was missing. Next time you come back this way I will be waiting with open arms to embrace you and Love I won't be afraid of letting you in.
I know it didn't work out this time around for us; but you see Love you were only meant to stop by to show me what Love was all about to show me what I was missing by closing off my heart. No I have no regrets Love you showed me that I have to open up my heart to let you settle in I will miss you I can't deny that. I do feel a little sad knowing that you had to take your leave.
Love I will only have fond memories to cherish till you return and when you do I will be ready to let you in till then I bid you a warm fare well and please Love don't stay away, I know that I do need you and you and I were never meant to be apart, I won't say good bye to you Love; only hello Love looking forward to your return.
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo Courtesy of PhotoBucket.com
Give Proper Credit
Monday, July 9, 2012
On High
No one thinks about the falling rocks nor the danger of deer crossing the road or that the slightest distraction could lead to an accident. None of these things cross a persons mind has they travel to the top of summit to enjoy the day exploring the beauty surrounding them yet the hidden dangers are very real.
As is the hidden dangers in our own lives in order for us to reach the top of the summit we too encounter hidden dangers from the adversary as he lays traps along our way to stop us from reaching the top. How many times have you come so very close to your hearts desire only to have it pulled out from under you? Just like a falling rock it could roll down the side of a mountain and wipe away the day's activities so can the adversary if we aren't careful.
Wouldn't it be nice if there were signs posted along our way to the top of our summit that states danger adversary around the corner or watch for the trap he has laid in your path and wouldn't it be nice if the were red flags warning you to turn around and find a different path so as not to fall prey to his schemes! Life would be easier to get through wouldn't it!
You can't have the sweet if you don't first taste the bitter! Even the picturesque mountain that we all enjoy started from the bottom of a sea bed rising to become the mountains we now see before us. Many great artist and musicians came from hard times only those born into money started at the top and some ended up at the bottom and those that never tasted the bitter don't appreciate the sweetness that they have been given.
The Christ child came from humble beginnings he tasted the bitter so that he could understand those who walk on this path through out their journey if he came to us by way of richness would he have understood what it felt like to do with out? Perhaps but in order to relate to every soul upon this earth he had to walk in mans shoes he had to taste the bitter before he could taste the sweetness of "Gods glory.
He has walked and felt the bitter pains of hunger thirst and temptation he chose this path so that he could fully understand what man was going through had he not walked in man's shoes how then could he say with honesty I understand how you feel I know what you are going through I have been there! He couldn't make that claim with out telling an un truth!
In "God's perfect wisdom he sent his only son into this world born to a family of humble means not rich in temporal goods but rather rich in spirit and faith. Born in a barn laying his head upon hay in a manger surrounded by animals a child of humble beginnings a child who started from the bottom and now is on the top as he sits on the right hand of the Father!
"God could have said I am sending my only son into the world but he will be born into a wealthy family he will have man servants and maids to do his bidding yes "God could have given his only son all the comforts life had to offer but he chose not to why? After all we as parents only want the best for our children we go out of our way to ensure that they have all their needs met so why would "God chose this humble beginning for his only son?
Lets explore this a little further shall we? If the Christ Child came into the world and had all the comforts of the world from men servants to maids do you think he would have had the desire to fulfill his calling or do you think that he would have been distracted by all the finer things in life?
I personally think he would have had no desire to go out into the world to sleep under the stars to do with out the comforts that he would have been given. Would he have been offended by the smells of the poor? Again I think he would have been to accustomed to the perfumes and sweet smells of the rich that he wouldn't have stayed very long if at all with the poor I personally think again my opinion that had Christ came into the world through richness he would have been distracted.
Therefore it was wisdom in "God to send his only begotten son into the world through humble beginnings and it's a good thing for us that "God did so or we may not have had any one to fulfill the atonement of man we would still be held in bondage after all wasn't that one of the temptations that the adversary tried to tempt Christ did he not offer him up the world if he would fall down and worship him?
By Christ staying focused and un- swayed he fulfilled his calling he tasted the bitter and now he can enjoy the sweet reward of victory if we follow the example that Christ showed us we too can enjoy the sweet taste of victory. The signs have been posted the red flags are up it's up to each one of us to look for the pitfalls that the adversary tosses our way.
He doesn't want us to be like the mountains raising from a sea bed to become UN-swayable he would be much happier if we were like the sands on a beach when the waves come they are washed away never to be seen again that is his desire not the desire of "God! "God want's his children to reach the top of the summit to be able to look down upon the world and see it's beauty!
But before we can enjoy the mountain top we must first enjoy the bottom of the mountain to fully understand it's beginning to walk in the valley before we walk in the meadows to know that there is danger in turbulent waters there for you walk beside or swim in still waters we must taste the bitter to appreciate the sweetness of victory only then will we truly be victorious as we reach the top of our summits.
All Rights Reserved
Do Not Copy With Out Giving Proper Credit
Written by: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: Sedona National Park
Property of: Victoria E. Miera
Friday, July 6, 2012
24 hours

24 little hour's had any one said to me just yesterday that all the tears I have cried over the past few years were going to be but a memory I'd thought them nut's! Looking back to yesterday morning after waking up feeling so alone and feeling the the bitter pain of loneliness I would have never thought by night fall I would have been given the answer to a heart felt prayer on letting go.
Yet that is what happened with great joy in my heart and not to mention this all came with a sigh of relief for over half of my life I have tried to get over a great love with countless hours of prayer and tears I was finally given the answer to my prayer. I know many of you are a bit confused after all why would any one ask in prayer to let go of love the one thing we all want is to be in love and to be loved.
I couldn't agree with any of you more there is no greater feeling than being in love and being loved unless the other party doesn't feel as strongly as you do then it's a very lonely ride and that is where I have found myself on a lonely ride down a one way street going no where! I had to learn to let this go but I just didn't know how or if I was even strong enough to just walk away I often wondered how others who found themselves in this situation did it.
It's never easy giving up a part of your childhood and that is what I had to learn to do to let go of a part of me I have loved this soul for so long I didn't know how I was going to let them go to just set them free so that I could be free to love again! I have been a prisoner of my own heart for so long that I didn't know how else to live and that's no life it definitely was not living and more importantly it's not how "God wanted me to be living. So how was I going to learn to let go and let "God take control of this situation?
This has been a very rough ride one not meant for the faint of heart and one I am sure that "God only gives to those he knows won't break under the pressure when I mean break I mean spiritually physically emotionally and mentally. For any one going through this kind of trial it takes a toll on every fiber of your being but I am here to stand as a witness to you that if you can survive this the rewards will be that much sweeter in the end and yes there is an end to it all.
24 hours ago I was in an emotional prison trying to figure out how I was going to let go and move on I had no clue how I would even go about it let alone go through it. Through tears I spent the morning in conversation with the Lord asking him how to let go and wondering and asking if I was even strong enough to do so I had my doubts and I won't kid myself I am still so unsure of the steps that lay ahead of me the very ones I will have to take in order to heal a broken heart I always wondered how one heals a broken heart "I write this with a sweet smile on my face".
After spending an emotional day with the Lord and trying in vain to get my thoughts and emotions under-control I finally gave way to reading and jumping back and forth on one web page to another only to find myself getting no where fast! Feeling quite spent I saw a stack of magazines laying beside me I started to go through them I came across an article in a church magazine and I started to read it before I knew it I was reading another article until I came across one that was written just for me or at least that's how it seemed.
"The Best is yet to be" the title alone garbed at my heart strings as I proceeded to read I could feel the weight of the day lifting off of mt shoulders the more I read the lighter I felt both emotionally as well as spiritually "God was using this article to get through to me to hep me let go to heal the key he was using was this article and it was the key to setting me free.
What struck me was the key points the writer was making on the past and the future faith and the past! Simple phrases that were going to hit a home run with me these words "Faith Points to the future" and "The past is to be learned from not lived in" what powerful words that I truly did understand them as the writer went on to use the parable from the old testament of "Lot's wife" after Lot and his family fled the city as directed by the "Lord "Lot's wife looked back after being counseled not to do so after going against "Gods advice she in turn was turned to a pillar of salt!
Looking back mourning for the what if's and what could have been leaves only bitterness in it's wake! Just like adding to much salt to flavor one's food can ruin it to the point of not being fit to consume. It was right then and there that a light went off that's how I have been living my life in the past in the what if world of what could have been if only! It has only taken me half of my life to see this good thing I'm a quick study!
What I learned was not only was I allowing my self to live in the past but I wasn't trusting "God enough to let him bless me with the best to trust "God enough to know that he has better things in store for me that I was only holding me back by not taking a step into my future by taking a leap of faith! I had never thought about it like that before but then again I wasn't ready to really let go and let "God take control of the situation I wouldn't have listened because I wasn't ready to hear!
After reading this I realized or I should say "God impressed upon my heart that by my living in the past I wasn't allowing that one very special soul he has in store for me find and love me the way I deserve to be loved that I was holding them at bay while I mourned for the what if's! Yikes what an eye opener this article was turning out to be and it was just what the doctor ordered how do you heal a broken heart? Stop living in the past and walk into he future by taking that leap of faith more importantly trust "God enough to let him bless you with the finest and not just the best.
As for my childhood sweetheart I am finally able to set us free I will have moments of weakness I'm only human and I know that will be a tool that the adversary will try to use to bend me to his will knowing this makes me all that more stronger and determined to walk into my future a future that I am excited about couldn't say that 24 hour's ago I am finally ready to love again to really be loved definitely looking forward to a new beginning a brighter tomorrow.
This must be how prisoners feel when they are finally released having the weight of the world lifted off of my shoulders after carrying it around for so long feels liberating I definitely have a lighter heart I can finally breath something I haven't done in a very long time as peace engulfs every fiber of my soul I have been given a beautiful gift an answer to a prayer "24 hour's what a difference a day makes 24 little hour's!
I will look back only with fondness great memories were made but I don't live there I live here in the here and now! I will take the lessons learned to build a better tomorrow for myself and any one else that comes into my life. The future is looking brighter and I am really not sad about finally being able to close the door on the past and I am now ready to say hello to my future ready or not here I come..............
All Rights Reserved!
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo Courtesy of Michael Escobedo
Do not copy or use with out proper credits.
Monday, June 25, 2012
He Gave So Much
He only asked for space the world could only focus on his face
He gave so much of himself he never asked for much from us
Just some time to be alone
So he could find out who he really was
He gave of his youth he spoke of love he spoke of truth
He gave so much to all he knew he never asked for much
Just some time to to get to know the man he really was
He searched the world for his true love
But the world would not let him be
He gave so much and asked for for little in return
Just some time to get to know the man he really was
He lived his life the best he could
Yet the world could not let him be
To spend some time with those he loved
He gave so much of himself
Yet the world wanted more
No time to sleep no time to weep
He was always thinking of a way to heal the world
A world who always wanted more of him
He didn't ask for much
Just some space to figure out who he really was
He gave up youth he gave his time
He looked for love around the world
He only asked for some time
Yet the world could not let him be
The world could only ask why he changed his face
They couldn't give him what he asked
Just a little time and space
So he could seek his one true love
The one he could hold and keep
The one he longed to share his hopes and dreams
No he didn't ask for much
For all he gave with no return
Just for us to give him time
To figure out who he really was
Now the heavens he does sleep
Where time and space is his to keep
Here the world does weep
For a man that gave so much
And asked for little for himself
In Loving Memory of Michael J. Jackson
Video Courtesy of YouTube.com
Poetry written by: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved
Do not copy with out written permission
Page taken out of book of "Butterflies & Angels Kisses"
Author Victoria E. Miera
Sunday, June 24, 2012
A Daily Struggle
"He that cometh to me shall never hunger." John 6:35b
A promise from the "Lord one we can count on, unlike the promises of man!
"God keeps his promises he is honor bound by them as long as man keeps his commandments.
So what does that mean? Does it mean that "God will not honor his promises if man doesn't keep the commandments he gave? Awwe that is a tricky question indeed.
One that I have been pondering with in my own heart, I have tried to honor the commandments at times I have failed but I still keep on trying none the less. It's never easy making the right choices it's a learning phase of trails and errors.
Just like the waves of an ocean they come upon the shores washing away the foot prints left in the sands, so does the love of "God as he to washes away our errors.
"He that cometh to me shall never hunger" we can come to "God and ask all the questions we want, he in turn will feed not only our spirits but our minds as well.
"The word of the Lord endureth forever." 1 Peter 1:25a "Gods words were not meant to last for only a season but for all eternity. "Gods promises are ones we can relay on he doesn't make promises he doesn't intend to keep.
If man follows "Gods commandments "God will keep his promises, if man does not then "God is not bound to any promise that doesn't mean he won't keep them it simply means he isn't bound by them.
More times than not "God keeps his promises regardless if man keeps his commandments, he loves us that much that he over looks our errors. Don't get me wrong there are times in our lives we wonder why things are not going our way.
Or why things seem to be falling apart, ask yourselves is that when you are not completely following "Gods law? I have found that to be the case in my own life, when I am having the hardest time is when I am not following "Gods law.
It only stands to reason that one can't break the law and expect to be rewarded for it! So why would we expect "God to reward our bad behavior?
It's my opinion and mine alone that I feel that "God will keep his promises depending on the severity of the broken commandment more importantly how remorseful is the offender. I know from personal experience that "God has been good in keeping his promises when I have repented for the offense.
I am not perfect I will make mistakes I may even repeat the same ones over again, I can only hope that I do not but if and when it does I know I can come to the "Lord and ask for his guidance and his forgiveness.
I can only pray that "God will be like that of the waves upon the ocean coming upon the shores and washing away the foot prints in the sands. That he will show me some grace by washing away my sins so that I can have a clean fresh start.
I can't expect him too reward me in any way shape or form when I know I have not kept his commandments! No I can only hope for leniency and pray that I learn from my mistakes I don't hold "God to any promise.
I allow him to have his free will as he has done so with me, not many folks will admit to that but it's true I don't expect anything from the "Lord if he chooses to bless me I am good with it if he chooses not to again I am good with it, it has to be his choice.
I honestly don't want to hold any one including "God to a promise, I want the gifts to be just that a gift from the heart a because kind of gift not a well I promised so therefore I will. I will continue to strive to do my best to keep "Gods law
It's not easy it's a daily struggle some days I loose and other day's I win the battle! One thing I will hold the "Lord to is him never leaving me to always walk beside me I can't do this journey alone I know I need him with me seven twenty-four.
A promise from the "Lord one we can count on, unlike the promises of man!
"God keeps his promises he is honor bound by them as long as man keeps his commandments.
So what does that mean? Does it mean that "God will not honor his promises if man doesn't keep the commandments he gave? Awwe that is a tricky question indeed.
One that I have been pondering with in my own heart, I have tried to honor the commandments at times I have failed but I still keep on trying none the less. It's never easy making the right choices it's a learning phase of trails and errors.
Just like the waves of an ocean they come upon the shores washing away the foot prints left in the sands, so does the love of "God as he to washes away our errors.
"He that cometh to me shall never hunger" we can come to "God and ask all the questions we want, he in turn will feed not only our spirits but our minds as well.
"The word of the Lord endureth forever." 1 Peter 1:25a "Gods words were not meant to last for only a season but for all eternity. "Gods promises are ones we can relay on he doesn't make promises he doesn't intend to keep.
If man follows "Gods commandments "God will keep his promises, if man does not then "God is not bound to any promise that doesn't mean he won't keep them it simply means he isn't bound by them.
More times than not "God keeps his promises regardless if man keeps his commandments, he loves us that much that he over looks our errors. Don't get me wrong there are times in our lives we wonder why things are not going our way.
Or why things seem to be falling apart, ask yourselves is that when you are not completely following "Gods law? I have found that to be the case in my own life, when I am having the hardest time is when I am not following "Gods law.
It only stands to reason that one can't break the law and expect to be rewarded for it! So why would we expect "God to reward our bad behavior?
It's my opinion and mine alone that I feel that "God will keep his promises depending on the severity of the broken commandment more importantly how remorseful is the offender. I know from personal experience that "God has been good in keeping his promises when I have repented for the offense.
I am not perfect I will make mistakes I may even repeat the same ones over again, I can only hope that I do not but if and when it does I know I can come to the "Lord and ask for his guidance and his forgiveness.
I can only pray that "God will be like that of the waves upon the ocean coming upon the shores and washing away the foot prints in the sands. That he will show me some grace by washing away my sins so that I can have a clean fresh start.
I can't expect him too reward me in any way shape or form when I know I have not kept his commandments! No I can only hope for leniency and pray that I learn from my mistakes I don't hold "God to any promise.
I allow him to have his free will as he has done so with me, not many folks will admit to that but it's true I don't expect anything from the "Lord if he chooses to bless me I am good with it if he chooses not to again I am good with it, it has to be his choice.
I honestly don't want to hold any one including "God to a promise, I want the gifts to be just that a gift from the heart a because kind of gift not a well I promised so therefore I will. I will continue to strive to do my best to keep "Gods law
It's not easy it's a daily struggle some days I loose and other day's I win the battle! One thing I will hold the "Lord to is him never leaving me to always walk beside me I can't do this journey alone I know I need him with me seven twenty-four.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Simple Acts of Kindness
"My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory"
Philippians 4:19
While out having a lunch I decided I would take my lunch out of doors, the weather was perfect so off too my favorite place I went as I made my way to the front of the line.
After making my selection off to find a table out on the patio I went, as I settled back in my chair a couple of birds landed at my feet I suppose they wanted lunch as well. I pulled off a piece of the crust from my sandwich and they ate in peace for a little while anyway.
Smiling down at the shear enjoyment of my little lunch dates I took pleasure in watching them enjoy their lunch. After awhile a few more dinning companions came along joining in our now growing lunch party once again I took some of my bread and tossed it.
A bit further this time as these lunch guests were not as brave as my earlier companions; it was then that I witnessed one of the simplest acts of kindness one that I would never have thought that I would be so blessed too witness come from "God's littlest creatures a bird.
This one bird that I thought had a injury or perhaps was not well, while this bird sat on the ground the other bird took a piece of the bread I had tossed it's way and fed it too the other bird it did this a couple of more times till I am sure the other bird had it's fill.
A simple act of kindness this little bird showed more compassion for it's feathered friend that I wish I could say I have seen come from us humans. I had too and still wonder why is it that "God's creatures can show such compassion for one another and we choose not to.
Recently here in the California area a dog was fatally injured but his companion would not leave his side till help came simple acts of kindness we humans can learn from these kind heart-ted animals.
"Thou shalt cry and he shall say Here I am." Isaiah 58:9b
My feathered friends flew off after our lunch date, the little bird that I thought was injured or ill flew off too. I am not sure why the other bird felt the need to feed it, but I am glad it did while it fed this bird a piece of bread it also fed my soul with it's simple act of kindness.
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E.Miera
Photo courtesy: Photo Bucket.com
Philippians 4:19
While out having a lunch I decided I would take my lunch out of doors, the weather was perfect so off too my favorite place I went as I made my way to the front of the line.
After making my selection off to find a table out on the patio I went, as I settled back in my chair a couple of birds landed at my feet I suppose they wanted lunch as well. I pulled off a piece of the crust from my sandwich and they ate in peace for a little while anyway.
Smiling down at the shear enjoyment of my little lunch dates I took pleasure in watching them enjoy their lunch. After awhile a few more dinning companions came along joining in our now growing lunch party once again I took some of my bread and tossed it.
A bit further this time as these lunch guests were not as brave as my earlier companions; it was then that I witnessed one of the simplest acts of kindness one that I would never have thought that I would be so blessed too witness come from "God's littlest creatures a bird.
This one bird that I thought had a injury or perhaps was not well, while this bird sat on the ground the other bird took a piece of the bread I had tossed it's way and fed it too the other bird it did this a couple of more times till I am sure the other bird had it's fill.
A simple act of kindness this little bird showed more compassion for it's feathered friend that I wish I could say I have seen come from us humans. I had too and still wonder why is it that "God's creatures can show such compassion for one another and we choose not to.
Recently here in the California area a dog was fatally injured but his companion would not leave his side till help came simple acts of kindness we humans can learn from these kind heart-ted animals.
"Thou shalt cry and he shall say Here I am." Isaiah 58:9b
My feathered friends flew off after our lunch date, the little bird that I thought was injured or ill flew off too. I am not sure why the other bird felt the need to feed it, but I am glad it did while it fed this bird a piece of bread it also fed my soul with it's simple act of kindness.
All Rights Reserved
Writer: Victoria E.Miera
Photo courtesy: Photo Bucket.com
Friday, April 13, 2012
A Sure Sign Of Spring
Dog Wood in bloom Jasmine fills the air.......
Bluejays and butterflies down by a stream
Honey bees and humming birds buzzing about
Robins and sparrows in mid flight..........
Gathering twigs and sticks to build their nest's
Spring is in the air awe Mother nature at her best........
Daffodils and tulips a sure sign of spring has arrived....
A fresh morning dew covers the lawn
A rain drop or two to help it stay green
Birds sing a sweet melodies welcoming spring
A new fawn is born down by the woods
Awe Mother Nature at her best........
Lawn mowers humming busy at work
Bar B Ques and hammocks come out of the shed
Swimming pools and roller blades
Bikes and kids skates
All a sign that spring has arrived
Awe Mother Nature at her best
Children's laughter fills the air a childhood game
Of tag and hide n seek brings out a giggle or two
Sequels of delight at the first sight of the ice cream man
Making his rounds up the street and back again
Making sure he is seen
Awe Mother Nature at her best
Rolling clouds and thunder storms a sure sign of spring
Hot air balloons and kids flying their kites
Hot dogs and pop corn trips to the park
Bubble gum to chew peanuts too
All part of the package if you're watching a game
Base ball is back pick-nicks are too
Oh yuck Johnnies gum is stuck on my shoe
Awe Mother Nature at her best
Poetry written by: Victoria E. Miera
All Rights Reserved
Photo courtesy of Photo Bucket.com
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I Often Wonder
I often wonder
What does she see
When she is looking at You......
Does she see a smile
Creep up on your face When you think no one is looking.....
When you're deep in thought staring out into space and a sad look appears out of no where ......
I often wonder what does she see when she is looking at you....
Does she see that sad look in your eye and a tear you can't hide
As you wipe it away when no one is there.....
I often wonder what does she see when she is looking at you....
When you have that far away look and you're as quiet as can be....
When out of no where laughter fills the air......
You try in vain to explain your out burst ......
But soon give up not wanting to share...
Where we have been memories made
Laughter and jokes stories untold.....
Secrets shared hopes and dreams......
Music and songs on midnight strolls....
Come take my hand promises made...
Gifts from the heart as love was made...
Deep in a soul these memories stay...
They were made for two...
And not to be shared...
That far away look she see's when she is looking at you...
Is a memory of me dancing with you........
All Rights Reserved
Poetry written by: Victoria E. Miera
Photo Courtesy of Photo Bucket.com
What does she see
When she is looking at You......
Does she see a smile
Creep up on your face When you think no one is looking.....
When you're deep in thought staring out into space and a sad look appears out of no where ......
I often wonder what does she see when she is looking at you....
Does she see that sad look in your eye and a tear you can't hide
As you wipe it away when no one is there.....
I often wonder what does she see when she is looking at you....
When you have that far away look and you're as quiet as can be....
When out of no where laughter fills the air......
You try in vain to explain your out burst ......
But soon give up not wanting to share...
Where we have been memories made
Laughter and jokes stories untold.....
Secrets shared hopes and dreams......
Music and songs on midnight strolls....
Come take my hand promises made...
Gifts from the heart as love was made...
Deep in a soul these memories stay...
They were made for two...
And not to be shared...
That far away look she see's when she is looking at you...
Is a memory of me dancing with you........
All Rights Reserved
Poetry written by: Victoria E. Miera
Photo Courtesy of Photo Bucket.com
Saturday, March 3, 2012
" I'm Gonna Miss You"
I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know
Tears replace the twinkle in my eye
I'm gonna miss you with each day that passes by
No smile upon my face
No joy to call my own
I'm gonna miss your tender words
I hear the birds softly singing
Their sweet melody ringing in the air
Only brings me sorrow
Tomorrow will come and it will go
Like a winter snow storm
I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know
Tears replace the twinkle in my eye
I'm gonna miss you with each day that passes by
The plans we made the dreams we had
Fade like an evening sky
Sunrise will come once more to remind me you're not here
I'll face another day alone and on my own
The waters upon a distant shore can't wash away my blues
I'll spend my today's and tomorrows with out you
This is something I must learn to do
I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know
Tears replace the twinkle in my eye
My heart can't seem to say good bye
To set you free to let you go
I know they say that time will heal a broken heart
I can't say that this is true when I'm missing you
One day the joy I once knew will be mine again
A melody will return to me once more
The twinkle in my eye will wipe a way the tears I've cried
A smile will sit upon my face once more
Blue skies and sunsets waves upon a distant shore
Laughter will echo in the air as waves tickle my toes
I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know
I'm not complete with out you this is true
I will learn to be alone and on my own
I'll find the joy I use to know
I know they say that time will heal a broken heart
I can't say that this is true when I'm missing you
I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know.................
All Rights Reserved
Video Courtesy of YouTube
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Tears replace the twinkle in my eye
I'm gonna miss you with each day that passes by
No smile upon my face
No joy to call my own
I'm gonna miss your tender words
I hear the birds softly singing
Their sweet melody ringing in the air
Only brings me sorrow
Tomorrow will come and it will go
Like a winter snow storm
I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know
Tears replace the twinkle in my eye
I'm gonna miss you with each day that passes by
The plans we made the dreams we had
Fade like an evening sky
Sunrise will come once more to remind me you're not here
I'll face another day alone and on my own
The waters upon a distant shore can't wash away my blues
I'll spend my today's and tomorrows with out you
This is something I must learn to do
I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know
Tears replace the twinkle in my eye
My heart can't seem to say good bye
To set you free to let you go
I know they say that time will heal a broken heart
I can't say that this is true when I'm missing you
One day the joy I once knew will be mine again
A melody will return to me once more
The twinkle in my eye will wipe a way the tears I've cried
A smile will sit upon my face once more
Blue skies and sunsets waves upon a distant shore
Laughter will echo in the air as waves tickle my toes
I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know
I'm not complete with out you this is true
I will learn to be alone and on my own
I'll find the joy I use to know
I know they say that time will heal a broken heart
I can't say that this is true when I'm missing you
I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know.................
All Rights Reserved
Video Courtesy of YouTube
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Monday, January 30, 2012
One Season More
Dear Lord please give me some time
Let me have one season more
One more season before I go home
I know my work for you is almost done
Will you let me have a season more
Let me help the ones I love
Let me help them let me go
You see dear Father I am ready to be in the heavens above
Yet the lambs you gave to me are not ready to set me free
Yes dear Father I hear you calling me home to the heavens above
My work here is almost done if you will just give me one season more
Let me help those who love me let go
Let me help them see that I am ready
Let them see that my work is done
Let them see that I am ready to be home with you
To sit in the sun on top of a cloud
To dip my toes in the waters below
To feel an angels embrace
Yes Father I hear you calling me home
Please give me just one season more
To help those I love let me go
Let me help them see that I am ready to go home
I just need a little more time Father please
Let me help the lambs you gave to me say good bye
Let them see its for just a little while more
Let me help them let go of me
Let me help them set me free so that I can come home
Where I can sit in the sun on top of a cloud
To dip my toes in the waters below
Where I can wait for them to join me in a loving embrace
Here in your heavens is where I want to be
Yes Father I hear you calling me home
Lord just give me one season more
Yes dear Father I am ready to be with you
Yet the lambs you gave me are not ready to set me free
Father if you will let them see that's its just for a little while
Its just for a season more till they join you and me
Where we can sit under the sun on top of a cloud
And dip our toes in the waters below
Help them Father to set me free to say good bye
Give them comfort and let them know
Its just for one season more
"This is in loving memory of all those who have crossed heavens gates before us"
All Rights Reserved:
Youtube Video "A Moment In Heaven"
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Friday, January 27, 2012
Opening Up My Heart
Lord lately it seems you keep sending me messages about love you ask me to open up my heart and allow others in to see the real me although I have tried I can't seem to open up enough or perhaps I open up to much and that alone scares off those I let in.
I just don't understand what it is that I am suppose to be doing here Lord I need you to guide me on this one cause Lord this one has me stumped I know one of the greatest gifts that you gave us is Love.
Love me for who I am not the illusion that you have created in your mind
That person you see is not real you can't touch nor hold her in your arms
She only lives in your mind.......
Love me for who I am the women you see underneath her skin
Her soul is worth more than a passing glance.......
Love me for who I am see the women standing before you
Love me for who I am and not the illusion you conjured up
I am real I'm no illusion or a vision.......
Love me as I am faults and all don't try to change me
I will only disappoint you when I don't fit your fantasy
Love me for who I am life's been hard not kind...
The roads this women has traveled
Were rough through it all I still had faith
The mountains this women had to climb
Took her through many twist and turns....
The lessons that I have learned have been many
I had to learn to love me along the way faults and all
The tears I have cried were not in vain...........
Love me for who am and not the illusion you created in your mind
That person is not real you can't touch nor hold her in your arms
She only lives in your mind...........
Love me for who I am the women you see underneath her skin
Her soul is worth more than a passing glance.............
All Rights Reserved:
Youtube Vidoe
Etta James Loves Been Rough On Me
Writer: Victoria E.Miera
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Its Not The Person Its Their Actions
There are many gifts that the "Lord has given to us, the greatest is love the other would be forgiveness together they are a powerful tool. We are asked to love our enemies and to forgive them of their actions loving our enemy is not an easy task.
Its their actions that we can't seem to get past if we were able to do so perhaps then we could learn to like them and find some forgiveness in our heart's for them loving them will take a bit more work and prayer.
Every time that we see them all we can see is the hurtful things that they have done to us if we could only get past that we would be a whole lot happier. Life is all about choices we can either choose to harbor resentment for our offender or choose to forgive. "God will not make us forgive any one he only asks that we try to get pas it all to turn the other cheek!
Easier said then done when our feelings are wounded we can only think of getting even with the one that has hurt us.That's not what the "Lord would want us to do how do we get past all the hurt and frustration that seems to be consuming our every thought?
There is no simple answer it will take a whole lot of praying and understanding. Once we have looked into the why's then perhaps we can then find the forgiveness needed. Understanding the actions of others may have us looking into our own actions perhaps our offender treats us in this manner due to the fact that we ourselves have done something to them.
It could be a simple misunderstanding that has them acting in this manner it could just be that we remind them of some one that has hurt them in the past and they too are having a hard time getting past this issue. There could be all kinds of reasons but we will never know unless we ask.
Trying to understand the other persons feelings may have us looking into our own actions. We often times just assume the other person simply hates us for no good reason, and that could be it as well. But I really think there is something deeper than that, I truly believe its the work of the adversary trying to derail you from doing what is right in your life as well as the one he use's.
You see if you are focused on what some one said or did that has you upset, so much so that all you can seem to do is stay focused on the hurt, you then are to distracted to move ahead in life. This will weigh you down and that my friends is exactly what the adversary want's from you.
He has no intention of letting it go once he has found that button that get's you off course, oh he will use it till you toughen up and catch on to his little game, then off to a new game of let's see how many people he can use against you to keep you off course. Its all a part of his plan and not "God's plan. No he isn't gonna allow you nor I to stay focused on what we know in our heart of hearts is "God's plan for us.
Understanding this may help us in the long run, then perhaps we can see that the actions of others you know the ones where we are so sure they out to get us but in fact they aren't. This may help us see past their negative actions enough that we can let the hurt feeling go and move on and be happier for it. It's the negative behavior that we dislike and not actually the person, understanding where and who is behind this may help keep us on track , and perhaps we will then learn to love our enemies.
Photo Courtesy Of PhotoBucket.com
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Monday, January 16, 2012
Life Is Good
Life is good not perfect just simply good, a sigh of relief for all the goodness that "God has bestowed upon us. Don't you just love it when you feel the love of "God embracing you? I know I do.
We tend to get so caught up in our hectic schedules that we don't take the time to bask in "Gods glow. We must somehow find a way to set aside some one on one time, to reconnect with the "Lord.
It truly does center our universe, bringing a senses of inner peace as the dove of peace embraces our very soul. There is no greater feeling in the world than to have inner peace, as the "Lord comforts and renews our weary souls.
And when the storms come and the adversary racks havoc in our lives, we will be refreshed and better prepared to handle what ever he has too toss our way. You will know you can handle the battles that will come your way. We may not win all the battles and that's ok too.
We need to learn to accept the fact that we are human and were not perfect we will make mistakes and that's all just part of growing up spiritually. With every storm comes a rainbow smile relax take it all in, enjoy life's simple pleasures.
Life is good not perfect it's how good as you make it simple as that, its up too you to embrace it to the fullest, and enjoy all that it has to offer. That includes the hardships in life being one with "God will ensure that you will be able to with stand all life's ups and downs, its many twists and turns.
Find some time in your busy day too reconnect with "God it will definitely center your unsteady universe as you feel the powerful love of "God embracing your weary soul. There is no greater feeling than knowing how much love "God has for us, that he takes the time to reach out too embrace his children.
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: Courtesy of PhotoBucket.com
We tend to get so caught up in our hectic schedules that we don't take the time to bask in "Gods glow. We must somehow find a way to set aside some one on one time, to reconnect with the "Lord.
It truly does center our universe, bringing a senses of inner peace as the dove of peace embraces our very soul. There is no greater feeling in the world than to have inner peace, as the "Lord comforts and renews our weary souls.
And when the storms come and the adversary racks havoc in our lives, we will be refreshed and better prepared to handle what ever he has too toss our way. You will know you can handle the battles that will come your way. We may not win all the battles and that's ok too.
We need to learn to accept the fact that we are human and were not perfect we will make mistakes and that's all just part of growing up spiritually. With every storm comes a rainbow smile relax take it all in, enjoy life's simple pleasures.
Life is good not perfect it's how good as you make it simple as that, its up too you to embrace it to the fullest, and enjoy all that it has to offer. That includes the hardships in life being one with "God will ensure that you will be able to with stand all life's ups and downs, its many twists and turns.
Find some time in your busy day too reconnect with "God it will definitely center your unsteady universe as you feel the powerful love of "God embracing your weary soul. There is no greater feeling than knowing how much love "God has for us, that he takes the time to reach out too embrace his children.
All Rights Reserved:
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: Courtesy of PhotoBucket.com
Friday, January 13, 2012
A Sunrise Promise
There are only two times of the day that are best a sunrise and a sunset I can not stress that enough every sunrise is more breathtaking then the last it's a beginning of something promising it should be opened with enthusiasm it should be looked upon as a gift one that should never be taken for granted.
One should watch the changing skies taking in every detail and every color that "God is using to create a masterpiece for his children to enjoy yet folks just tend to moan and groan because they don't want to get their day started they miss the best part of the day a sunrise a gift a masterpiece.
They miss out on such beauty as night is being tucked away and dawn is making her way to claim her place the waves of the clouds like the waves of an ocean washing upon the shores as dawn is saying good night moon good night stars.
It's the beginning of a brand new day filling it with hope as every color claims its place in the sky from hues of blue to hints of pink every detail that "God is painting every stroke of his brush is missed when folks don't take the time to see what a beautiful gift a sunrise truly is.
The inner peace that one feels helps mold their day this is often missed the best part of the day the beginning every day is another addition to the story of their lives it really shouldn't be over looked the promises held in a sunrise gifts from a loving "God who has painted this masterpiece out of love for his children to enjoy.
Now that I have opened another petal of this Rose for you enjoy a sunrise see it with your soul and see where your story leads you.....................................
All Rights Reserved
Photo Courtesy of PhotoBucket.com
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
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