There are many gifts that the "Lord has given to us, the greatest is love the other would be forgiveness together they are a powerful tool. We are asked to love our enemies and to forgive them of their actions loving our enemy is not an easy task.
Its their actions that we can't seem to get past if we were able to do so perhaps then we could learn to like them and find some forgiveness in our heart's for them loving them will take a bit more work and prayer.
Every time that we see them all we can see is the hurtful things that they have done to us if we could only get past that we would be a whole lot happier. Life is all about choices we can either choose to harbor resentment for our offender or choose to forgive. "God will not make us forgive any one he only asks that we try to get pas it all to turn the other cheek!
Easier said then done when our feelings are wounded we can only think of getting even with the one that has hurt us.That's not what the "Lord would want us to do how do we get past all the hurt and frustration that seems to be consuming our every thought?
There is no simple answer it will take a whole lot of praying and understanding. Once we have looked into the why's then perhaps we can then find the forgiveness needed. Understanding the actions of others may have us looking into our own actions perhaps our offender treats us in this manner due to the fact that we ourselves have done something to them.
It could be a simple misunderstanding that has them acting in this manner it could just be that we remind them of some one that has hurt them in the past and they too are having a hard time getting past this issue. There could be all kinds of reasons but we will never know unless we ask.
Trying to understand the other persons feelings may have us looking into our own actions. We often times just assume the other person simply hates us for no good reason, and that could be it as well. But I really think there is something deeper than that, I truly believe its the work of the adversary trying to derail you from doing what is right in your life as well as the one he use's.
You see if you are focused on what some one said or did that has you upset, so much so that all you can seem to do is stay focused on the hurt, you then are to distracted to move ahead in life. This will weigh you down and that my friends is exactly what the adversary want's from you.
He has no intention of letting it go once he has found that button that get's you off course, oh he will use it till you toughen up and catch on to his little game, then off to a new game of let's see how many people he can use against you to keep you off course. Its all a part of his plan and not "God's plan. No he isn't gonna allow you nor I to stay focused on what we know in our heart of hearts is "God's plan for us.
Understanding this may help us in the long run, then perhaps we can see that the actions of others you know the ones where we are so sure they out to get us but in fact they aren't. This may help us see past their negative actions enough that we can let the hurt feeling go and move on and be happier for it. It's the negative behavior that we dislike and not actually the person, understanding where and who is behind this may help keep us on track , and perhaps we will then learn to love our enemies.
Photo Courtesy Of
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
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