There are only two times of the day that are best a sunrise and a sunset I can not stress that enough every sunrise is more breathtaking then the last it's a beginning of something promising it should be opened with enthusiasm it should be looked upon as a gift one that should never be taken for granted.
One should watch the changing skies taking in every detail and every color that "God is using to create a masterpiece for his children to enjoy yet folks just tend to moan and groan because they don't want to get their day started they miss the best part of the day a sunrise a gift a masterpiece.
They miss out on such beauty as night is being tucked away and dawn is making her way to claim her place the waves of the clouds like the waves of an ocean washing upon the shores as dawn is saying good night moon good night stars.
It's the beginning of a brand new day filling it with hope as every color claims its place in the sky from hues of blue to hints of pink every detail that "God is painting every stroke of his brush is missed when folks don't take the time to see what a beautiful gift a sunrise truly is.
The inner peace that one feels helps mold their day this is often missed the best part of the day the beginning every day is another addition to the story of their lives it really shouldn't be over looked the promises held in a sunrise gifts from a loving "God who has painted this masterpiece out of love for his children to enjoy.
Now that I have opened another petal of this Rose for you enjoy a sunrise see it with your soul and see where your story leads you.....................................
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Writer: Victoria E. Miera
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