Monday, January 30, 2012
One Season More
Dear Lord please give me some time
Let me have one season more
One more season before I go home
I know my work for you is almost done
Will you let me have a season more
Let me help the ones I love
Let me help them let me go
You see dear Father I am ready to be in the heavens above
Yet the lambs you gave to me are not ready to set me free
Yes dear Father I hear you calling me home to the heavens above
My work here is almost done if you will just give me one season more
Let me help those who love me let go
Let me help them see that I am ready
Let them see that my work is done
Let them see that I am ready to be home with you
To sit in the sun on top of a cloud
To dip my toes in the waters below
To feel an angels embrace
Yes Father I hear you calling me home
Please give me just one season more
To help those I love let me go
Let me help them see that I am ready to go home
I just need a little more time Father please
Let me help the lambs you gave to me say good bye
Let them see its for just a little while more
Let me help them let go of me
Let me help them set me free so that I can come home
Where I can sit in the sun on top of a cloud
To dip my toes in the waters below
Where I can wait for them to join me in a loving embrace
Here in your heavens is where I want to be
Yes Father I hear you calling me home
Lord just give me one season more
Yes dear Father I am ready to be with you
Yet the lambs you gave me are not ready to set me free
Father if you will let them see that's its just for a little while
Its just for a season more till they join you and me
Where we can sit under the sun on top of a cloud
And dip our toes in the waters below
Help them Father to set me free to say good bye
Give them comfort and let them know
Its just for one season more
"This is in loving memory of all those who have crossed heavens gates before us"
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Youtube Video "A Moment In Heaven"
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Friday, January 27, 2012
Opening Up My Heart
Lord lately it seems you keep sending me messages about love you ask me to open up my heart and allow others in to see the real me although I have tried I can't seem to open up enough or perhaps I open up to much and that alone scares off those I let in.
I just don't understand what it is that I am suppose to be doing here Lord I need you to guide me on this one cause Lord this one has me stumped I know one of the greatest gifts that you gave us is Love.
Love me for who I am not the illusion that you have created in your mind
That person you see is not real you can't touch nor hold her in your arms
She only lives in your mind.......
Love me for who I am the women you see underneath her skin
Her soul is worth more than a passing glance.......
Love me for who I am see the women standing before you
Love me for who I am and not the illusion you conjured up
I am real I'm no illusion or a vision.......
Love me as I am faults and all don't try to change me
I will only disappoint you when I don't fit your fantasy
Love me for who I am life's been hard not kind...
The roads this women has traveled
Were rough through it all I still had faith
The mountains this women had to climb
Took her through many twist and turns....
The lessons that I have learned have been many
I had to learn to love me along the way faults and all
The tears I have cried were not in vain...........
Love me for who am and not the illusion you created in your mind
That person is not real you can't touch nor hold her in your arms
She only lives in your mind...........
Love me for who I am the women you see underneath her skin
Her soul is worth more than a passing glance.............
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Youtube Vidoe
Etta James Loves Been Rough On Me
Writer: Victoria E.Miera
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Its Not The Person Its Their Actions
There are many gifts that the "Lord has given to us, the greatest is love the other would be forgiveness together they are a powerful tool. We are asked to love our enemies and to forgive them of their actions loving our enemy is not an easy task.
Its their actions that we can't seem to get past if we were able to do so perhaps then we could learn to like them and find some forgiveness in our heart's for them loving them will take a bit more work and prayer.
Every time that we see them all we can see is the hurtful things that they have done to us if we could only get past that we would be a whole lot happier. Life is all about choices we can either choose to harbor resentment for our offender or choose to forgive. "God will not make us forgive any one he only asks that we try to get pas it all to turn the other cheek!
Easier said then done when our feelings are wounded we can only think of getting even with the one that has hurt us.That's not what the "Lord would want us to do how do we get past all the hurt and frustration that seems to be consuming our every thought?
There is no simple answer it will take a whole lot of praying and understanding. Once we have looked into the why's then perhaps we can then find the forgiveness needed. Understanding the actions of others may have us looking into our own actions perhaps our offender treats us in this manner due to the fact that we ourselves have done something to them.
It could be a simple misunderstanding that has them acting in this manner it could just be that we remind them of some one that has hurt them in the past and they too are having a hard time getting past this issue. There could be all kinds of reasons but we will never know unless we ask.
Trying to understand the other persons feelings may have us looking into our own actions. We often times just assume the other person simply hates us for no good reason, and that could be it as well. But I really think there is something deeper than that, I truly believe its the work of the adversary trying to derail you from doing what is right in your life as well as the one he use's.
You see if you are focused on what some one said or did that has you upset, so much so that all you can seem to do is stay focused on the hurt, you then are to distracted to move ahead in life. This will weigh you down and that my friends is exactly what the adversary want's from you.
He has no intention of letting it go once he has found that button that get's you off course, oh he will use it till you toughen up and catch on to his little game, then off to a new game of let's see how many people he can use against you to keep you off course. Its all a part of his plan and not "God's plan. No he isn't gonna allow you nor I to stay focused on what we know in our heart of hearts is "God's plan for us.
Understanding this may help us in the long run, then perhaps we can see that the actions of others you know the ones where we are so sure they out to get us but in fact they aren't. This may help us see past their negative actions enough that we can let the hurt feeling go and move on and be happier for it. It's the negative behavior that we dislike and not actually the person, understanding where and who is behind this may help keep us on track , and perhaps we will then learn to love our enemies.
Photo Courtesy Of
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Monday, January 16, 2012
Life Is Good
Life is good not perfect just simply good, a sigh of relief for all the goodness that "God has bestowed upon us. Don't you just love it when you feel the love of "God embracing you? I know I do.
We tend to get so caught up in our hectic schedules that we don't take the time to bask in "Gods glow. We must somehow find a way to set aside some one on one time, to reconnect with the "Lord.
It truly does center our universe, bringing a senses of inner peace as the dove of peace embraces our very soul. There is no greater feeling in the world than to have inner peace, as the "Lord comforts and renews our weary souls.
And when the storms come and the adversary racks havoc in our lives, we will be refreshed and better prepared to handle what ever he has too toss our way. You will know you can handle the battles that will come your way. We may not win all the battles and that's ok too.
We need to learn to accept the fact that we are human and were not perfect we will make mistakes and that's all just part of growing up spiritually. With every storm comes a rainbow smile relax take it all in, enjoy life's simple pleasures.
Life is good not perfect it's how good as you make it simple as that, its up too you to embrace it to the fullest, and enjoy all that it has to offer. That includes the hardships in life being one with "God will ensure that you will be able to with stand all life's ups and downs, its many twists and turns.
Find some time in your busy day too reconnect with "God it will definitely center your unsteady universe as you feel the powerful love of "God embracing your weary soul. There is no greater feeling than knowing how much love "God has for us, that he takes the time to reach out too embrace his children.
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Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: Courtesy of
We tend to get so caught up in our hectic schedules that we don't take the time to bask in "Gods glow. We must somehow find a way to set aside some one on one time, to reconnect with the "Lord.
It truly does center our universe, bringing a senses of inner peace as the dove of peace embraces our very soul. There is no greater feeling in the world than to have inner peace, as the "Lord comforts and renews our weary souls.
And when the storms come and the adversary racks havoc in our lives, we will be refreshed and better prepared to handle what ever he has too toss our way. You will know you can handle the battles that will come your way. We may not win all the battles and that's ok too.
We need to learn to accept the fact that we are human and were not perfect we will make mistakes and that's all just part of growing up spiritually. With every storm comes a rainbow smile relax take it all in, enjoy life's simple pleasures.
Life is good not perfect it's how good as you make it simple as that, its up too you to embrace it to the fullest, and enjoy all that it has to offer. That includes the hardships in life being one with "God will ensure that you will be able to with stand all life's ups and downs, its many twists and turns.
Find some time in your busy day too reconnect with "God it will definitely center your unsteady universe as you feel the powerful love of "God embracing your weary soul. There is no greater feeling than knowing how much love "God has for us, that he takes the time to reach out too embrace his children.
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Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: Courtesy of
Friday, January 13, 2012
A Sunrise Promise
There are only two times of the day that are best a sunrise and a sunset I can not stress that enough every sunrise is more breathtaking then the last it's a beginning of something promising it should be opened with enthusiasm it should be looked upon as a gift one that should never be taken for granted.
One should watch the changing skies taking in every detail and every color that "God is using to create a masterpiece for his children to enjoy yet folks just tend to moan and groan because they don't want to get their day started they miss the best part of the day a sunrise a gift a masterpiece.
They miss out on such beauty as night is being tucked away and dawn is making her way to claim her place the waves of the clouds like the waves of an ocean washing upon the shores as dawn is saying good night moon good night stars.
It's the beginning of a brand new day filling it with hope as every color claims its place in the sky from hues of blue to hints of pink every detail that "God is painting every stroke of his brush is missed when folks don't take the time to see what a beautiful gift a sunrise truly is.
The inner peace that one feels helps mold their day this is often missed the best part of the day the beginning every day is another addition to the story of their lives it really shouldn't be over looked the promises held in a sunrise gifts from a loving "God who has painted this masterpiece out of love for his children to enjoy.
Now that I have opened another petal of this Rose for you enjoy a sunrise see it with your soul and see where your story leads you.....................................
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Photo Courtesy of
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
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