Thursday, June 27, 2013

Knock and it shall be opened

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you: Matthew 7:7
In today's busy world we so often forget these simple words, we get caught up in work and meeting demands of every day life.

As I was browsing through the social net work and reading the many post on my screen, I wondered just how well do we know the other person on the other side of the screen?

We so often connect with them on a daily bases at times they are the only person some will connect with for the entire day. For so many people on the social net work sites  many of the folks on the other side of the screen have become closer to them than their own families.

What about the people we work with how well do we know them? Do we even care enough to get close to them? I have to wonder as I was thinking about the many folks who come in and out of our lives every day how well do we know them?

Every day we come in contact with others but yet we are disconnected in many ways! We get caught up in our own selves that there is simply not enough time to let another soul in. We go to work we run to the gym we try to fit family life in that there simply is not enough hours in the day to connect with others.

Have you thinking doesn't it? Well it should do you know that for so many of us  we spend approximately 160 hours a month with co-workers and know very little about them! Just thought I'd point that out. As for our own family how well do we know them? Do we know their favorite foods or movie how about their favorite color?  

We know so very little about the people in our lives and they know little about us as well, again just food for thought.Now let me take it a step further, what if "Christ was to busy, to get to know each one of his brothers and sisters? Scary thought there isn't it?

I would hate to think that "Christ didn't care enough or was too busy, to get to know me! But blessed that  we are we have nothing to fear on this issue He is never to busy and He knows more about me than any one will ever know! He has taken the time to reach out to not only myself but to you as well. He wants to get to know us on a personal level.

He has sent out many invitations to come unto Him, to get to know Him on a personal level, He is never to busy to take the time out to listen to you. He keeps no secrets from us, He invites us to ask; to knock and He will answer to seek Him out and we shall find. What an incredible invitation He extends to all of man kind, you won't get a better invitation ever in your life time!

I invite each of you to take the time out of your busy day to connect with your brothers and sisters in your busy world, and you may be pleasantly surprised to find that you have a lot of things in common, you may even get a new friend out of the deal. And to help get the ball rolling I will share a little tid bit about yours truly my favorite flower is not a rose but rather a daisy.

The daisy is simple yet elegant its fragrance is never over powering it is one flower that is over looked, its over shadowed by the many other beautiful flowers out there and now you know a bit about me! Enjoy the tid bit.

All Rights Reserved.
Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: Courtesy of Photo Bucket



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