Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Lesson to be Learned

"The earth,O Lord,is full of thy mercy; teach me thy status" 

 I have had to learn many a lesson  this past week, and psalm  119:64 has spoken volumes to me. I had to learn the meaning of mercy,grace,compassion,humility, and  how to be humble.

And what it truly meant to be "Christ like, by showing kindness while being in the service of man.

For the past twenty years it has been drummed into my brain to allow my clients to do as much for themselves as they  possibly can. 

But this past week I was given a task that in my mind was taking this away from one of my clients, and I found this to be one of the hardest tings for me to do,to just sit back and allow my client to depend on me more than I thought they should.

This was going to be the beginning of my lesson, a test that I wasn't sure I was going to pass. But none the less it was and is my test. I see that now, with the help of a kind soul who showed me this opportunity that I was given.

As I prayed over this situation little did I know, my answer was going to come quickly. This kind soul, was being used  to help guide me through this process.  I have often said "God places people our  lives at just the right time to help us along our journey.

We just have to be willing to one recognize them and secondly if we are the one's being used, we must be willing to step up and speak up. I'm not sure I could be as faithful  nor as brave as this kind soul.

I won't bore you with all the details, that's not what this blog is about. Its about understanding the meaning behind compassion, and mercy. In the bible we see how merciful, and compassionate the "Lord has been to man starting with the fall of man.

Mercy is an expression of love, and isn't that one of "God's greatest gift to man not to mention His commandment for us  to love one another as He has loved us!

Compassion is another expression of love. "It is of the "Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassion fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

Teach me thy status: Teach me to be "Christlike. To have humility to help the poor in spirit, to meet the needs of those less fortunate than myself. To show compassion again a sign of love.

To be teachable, to be humble and not arrogate, or assuming. In this case, I was assuming I knew what is best for your child, the very child that you have placed in my care. By doing this I was showing  arrogance.

This was not an act of kindness, again another expression of love. Showing kindness to someone less fortunate than myself is an act of love. Showing tenderness and having compassion for my client is a lesson well worth learning.

I assumed my client didn't need my help, I assumed to much. What I didn't see was perhaps the scares that lay deep with in them. The very scares that only they and "God know about. I assumed my client didn't need my help and perhaps they don't, perhaps it's me that needed them more than they needed me!

I only know that from here on out I will look at my client through the eye's of love, through my spirit eye's and not from a medical stance! What lays beneath the surface is more than human eyes' can see.

To be in the service of man, is to be in the service of "God."  Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these brethren, ye have done it unto me."  Matthew 25:40

"I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy: for thou hast considered my trouble; thou hast known my adversities.: Psalms: 31:7

Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo: From my personal album
All Copy Rights Reserved:
Do not use without giving proper credit.


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