Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our Daily Bread

 Recently I heard a sermon on how we should be claiming our daily bread.

This grabbed my attention, as I listened intently I found my self thinking about what the preacher was saying and wondering how does one go about claiming this bread from heaven!

As I was pondering this a light went off! I have to agree with the preacher on this one, we should be asking for our daily bread every day and we should be expecting to receive it on a daily bases. 

We so often feel like we are not deserving of the blessings that "God has in store for us that we simply just don"t ask for more than what we get through out the day. We really need to change our way of thinking, and simply start asking and expecting the bread to fill our every need.

"Jesus taught His disciples how to ask when He taught them how to pray," give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11  "Jesus did not teach His disciples to ask for their daily bread from time to time, but rather to ask for it daily. 

By setting this example for His disciples shouldn't we too be asking for our daily bread as well? Not only should we be asking we should be believing that we will receive. "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Psalm 68:19

The "Lord is willing to load us daily with all that we stand in need of, its up to us to ask upon arising,  more importantly we should be believing that "God will deliver on his promises. Before your feet hit the ground in the morning make it a habit to ask for your daily bread, ad believing that you will receive.

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Writer: Victoria E. Miera
Photo courtesy of my personal album

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